Markey Celebrates Signing of Paris Climate Agreement on Earth Day

Senator is co-author of only comprehensive climate legislation to pass a chamber of U.S. Congress

Boston (April 22, 2016) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), chair of Senate Climate Clearinghouse and a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, released the following statement as 167 nations convene today on Earth Day at the United Nations to sign the historic Paris Climate Agreement.

“Today is a proud day for me, witnessing the culmination of four decades of work with the signing of a global climate agreement on Earth Day. The issue of climate change is like all generational challenges, it must travel through three critical phases – education, activation, and implementation – before we can point to lasting political and social changeWe have come far, but our progress must continue to be driven by the little time left we have left to avoid the worst effects of global warming.   


“From my 1980 amendment in the House of Representatives to increase funding for solar power, to my National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 that stopped the construction of hundreds of coal-fired plants, I have worked to educate the American people about the dangers of a warming planet. After holding nearly 100 hearings on climate change in the House of Representatives, I worked to activate Congress and grassroots activists to pass my 2007 fuel economy law and the Waxman-Markey bill, which gave hope to the world that the United States was serious about addressing climate change. The Waxman-Markey legislation helped President Obama effectively negotiate with the international community and lay the foundation for the current climate agreement.


“Now, with 195 nations all committing to do their fair share to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support climate-smart economic development, our implementation work has begun, but it is far from done. The nations of the world have taken a leap forward with this climate agreement. American leadership was key to crafting this global roadmap to a clean energy future and we must continue to lead the effort to implement this accord. We must move forward with President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, push back on the climate deniers who block action, and hold ourselves and the nations of the world to account in meeting the goals set forth in Paris. We must harness the momentum created today in New York City with the signing of this agreement and build upon it at every chance to fully realize the clean energy future that will help us avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change.”


Today, Senator Markey joined in a bicameral letter to President Obama in strong support for the Paris Agreement. A copy of the letter can be found HERE.

