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  • US Daily Review: House Conservatives Call Against Additional "Death Tax" Burden on Small Businesses
    Posted in In The News on November 4, 2016 | Preview rr

    House Ways and Means Committee Republicans today sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew urging the Treasury Department to withdraw its recently proposed regulations, which would increase the burden of the estate tax on family-owned businesses. The regulations would make it more difficult for families to pass their businesses on from one generation to another. In their letter, the Members spoke up on behalf of family-owned businesses across America and wrote: “In order to avoid immediate a... Read more

  • Conroe Courier: Congressman addresses "government distrust" during CCHS town hall
    Posted in In The News on November 4, 2016 | Preview rr

    This year will be the first for some high school seniors to cast their vote. Some of those local students had a chance to learn about the issues on the ballot and to be faced by the next president from their own congressman. A town hall meeting Thursday at the Caney Creek High School Auditorium gave seniors a chance to ask U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, R-The Woodlands questions ranging on his role, the government, and his opinion on various political issues. Brady, who discussed the Ways and Means Comm... Read more

  • 2016 Distinguished Service Award Recipients
    Posted in In The News on October 27, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Your Taxes

    http://patch.com/texas/woodlands/2016-distinguished-service-award-recipients The Tax Foundation is pleased to announce Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) as one of the recipients of its 2016 Distinguished Service Awards. Rep. Brady is receiving the honor for his unwavering efforts to build bipartisan consensus to reform the nation’s tax code as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. His passion and energy to push for tax reform no doubt will spur the new president and Congress to action in 2017. T... Read more

  • Huntsman Corp. shows off research facility in The Woodlands
    Posted in In The News on October 25, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Energy & Environment

    http://www.yourconroenews.com/news/article/Huntsman-Corp-shows-off-research-facility-in-The-10326759.php By Bridget Balch, bridget.balch@chron.com Published 5:33 pm, Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Hidden neatly behind the trees of Technology Forest in The Woodlands, sitting on 17 acres, is the Huntsman Advanced Technology Center. At the 220,000-square-foot facility, scientists work to develop chemicals, which go into products that touch the average person's daily life in a variety of ways – from pers... Read more

  • Brady Briefing: Reining in the IRS
    Posted in In The News on October 25, 2016 | Preview rr

    http://www.yourconroenews.com/opinion/article/Brady-briefing-Reining-in-the-IRS-10362911.php Nearly one year ago, on November 5, 2015, I was selected by my colleagues to chair the first and oldest committee in Congress, the House Ways & Means Committee. Under my leadership the committee has passed 48 bills and twelve Ways and Means bills are now the law of the land. The first to become law was the PATH Act which cut taxes by over $600 billion, including making permanent the states and local sale... Read more

  • It’s Time for Congress to Pass Reaganesque Tax Reforms
    Posted in In The News on October 20, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Your Taxes

    It’s been 30 years since Reagan’s tax reform. Today’s House Republicans have a blueprint to ensure a new era of prosperity. Read more

  • U.S. Daily Review: Senior Republican Previews Obama’s ACA Speech.
    Posted in In The News on October 19, 2016 | Preview rr

    “After months of Obamacare failures, the American people deserve to hear the facts from the President—not more rosy rhetoric about how the law is supposedly working. It’s clear that Obamacare continues to hurt more Americans than it has helped. This law has put Washington at the center of our health care system—driving up costs, driving down quality, and driving out choice and competition. While Democrats try to spin Obamacare’s ongoing failures, Republicans are proposing real solutions to finally ensure the American people have a health care system that delivers high-quality, affordable care.” Read more

  • Conroe Courier: Brady briefing: America Deserves a Better Way
    Posted in In The News on October 12, 2016 | Preview rr

    Elections shouldn't be merely a contest of personalities. They ought to be a contest of ideas. In November, voters have the opportunity to ask "which political party, which candidates have the best ideas to get America back on track?" Should we stay the course with this second-rate economy, cratering ObamaCare, and vulnerability here at home to terrorism and rising crime? Or is it time for a change? Read more

  • Breitbart: Chairman Kevin Brady: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Death Tax’ Would Confiscate Farms, Businesses
    Posted in In The News on September 30, 2016 | Preview rr

    “It’s just wrong to work your whole life to build up a nest egg, build your own business–you pass away and Uncle Sam can swoop in and take away nearly half of everything you’ve earned,” because of the ‘Death Tax,’ said Rep. Kevin P. Brady (R.-Texas). “Can you imagine that? Having to sell off most of your land, just to keep it from the government, just to save the house,” he said. Read more

  • Conroe Courier: Brady briefing: The federal budget made simple
    Posted in In The News on September 27, 2016 | Preview rr

    The federal budget has two parts. The day-to-day spending is called ‘discretionary’ spending, It’s the smallest portion, just one-third of the overall budget, The bulk of this $1 trillion is America’s national defense spending with the rest being border security, transportation, education and the like. This is the portion of the budget that Congress votes on each year. The other part is huge, engulfing nearly two-thirds of the entire $4 trillion budget. It is called automatic or ‘mandatory’ spending because it’s determined by formulas and Congress doesn’t vote on it. Read more