Markey Commends Governor Baker, AG Healey on Opioid Working Group Recommendations

Senator recently introduced legislation to prevent prescription drug and heroin addiction, expand access to addiction treatment and recovery services


Washington (June 22, 2015) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement in support of the recommendations released today by Governor Charlie Baker and Attorney General Maura Healey of the Opioid Working Group. Several of the recommendations released today underscore federal legislation and oversight efforts Senator Markey launched last month to address the prescription drug and heroin epidemic.


“I commend Governor Baker, Attorney General Healey and the entire Opioid Working Group for their leadership and dedication to address the public health crisis of opioid misuse, abuse and addiction. Their multi-pronged approach to prevent addiction before it takes hold and create opportunities for people with opioid use disorders to get the treatment they need to deal with this chronic health issue sends a powerful message that combatting the epidemic is a state priority.  


“I will continue to work on a bipartisan basis in the U.S. Senate to advance my ‘Good Samaritan’ legislation to protect individuals who save a life by administering overdose reversal drugs like naloxone and my TREAT Act, which would help eliminate the outdated laws that limit a physician’s ability to treat opioid dependent patients with medication assisted therapies. To help prevent prescription painkiller dependency that too often becomes heroin addiction, we need to ensure that physicians are appropriately educated in best practices for pain management and methods for diagnosing and treating a substance use disorder. I look forward to partnering with Governor Baker and leaders in the Commonwealth to reduce the harms and deaths associated with opioid misuse and addiction.”


More information on Senator Markey’s education initiatives can be found HERE. More information on his prevention efforts can be found HERE. More information Senator Markey’s effort to expand treatment can be found HERE

