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  • Americans Invited To Help Shape New Tax Code
    Posted in Press Releases on October 27, 2016 | Preview rr

    U.S. Congressman Brady, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and leader of the House GOP Better Way effort to reform America's broken tax code, announces a new national video on the tax reform plan. "This is not Washington's tax code, it belongs to the American people. Taxpayers ought to have a real say in the way you are taxed. We invite you to view this video, come to our website to learn more about our "Built for Growth” tax reform plan, and speak up," said Brady. House Republicans... Read more

  • Homeland Security Needs To Digitize All Citizenship Applicants’ Fingerprints
    Posted in Press Releases on September 21, 2016 | Preview rr

    “DHS must begin using the modern digital fingerprint tools necessary to ensure that those seeking to live and work in America are fully screened. As long as terrorists and criminals use 21st Century technology to do us harm, relying on 20th Century technology to stop them just won’t cut it. ” Read more

  • Drug Testing for Unemployment Benefits:
    Posted in Press Releases on September 7, 2016 | Preview rr

    After four years of White House delay in implementing a 2012 law allowing states to drug test applicants for federal unemployment payments, today House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady of Texas introduced H.R. 5945, the Ready to Work Act of 2016. The bill fully implements the bi-partisan 2012 law which overturned a 1960’s era Department of Labor ban against states drug testing unemployment applicants. Read more

  • Brady Calls Out the White House and Senate Democrats Over Zika Funding Failures
    Posted in Press Releases on August 9, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Border Security

    “The House approved a $1.1 billion agreement but Senate Democrats refuse to approve the funding. Why? Because there is no earmarks for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. The Obama White House has also failed to quickly distribute available funding to fight the virus. This is outrageous.” Read more

  • Rep. Kevin Brady Responds to Donald J. Trump Acceptance Speech
    Posted in Press Releases on July 21, 2016 | Preview rr

    "Americans want a fighter and they want real change. Tonight, Donald Trump made it clear he's going to fight to make our communities safe again and our nation strong again. As chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, I look forward to working with him and Vice President Mike Pence in the first 100 days of the new presidency to fix this broken tax code and repeal and replace ObamaCare. House Republicans already have detailed, proven "Better Way" solutions teed up and we are ready." Read more

  • Brady Helps Win First Round in Federal Fight Over Texas High-Speed Rail Project
    Posted in Press Releases on July 18, 2016 | Preview rr

    This afternoon the Surface Transportation Board (STB) officially declined to get involved in the Texas Central Railway (TCR) proposed Dallas-to-Houston High-Speed Rail project. Read more

  • Protecting Medical Professionals from Abortion Coercion
    Posted in Press Releases on July 13, 2016 | Preview rr

    No American should be discriminated against for their pro-life stance or be forced to participate in the brutal act of abortion. Read more

  • Reining in the Power of Federal Bureaucrats
    Posted in Press Releases on July 12, 2016 | Preview rr

    “My constituents are tired of unelected federal bureaucrats writing laws that affect their lives and livelihood under the guise of regulation. This behavior is a threat to our freedom. This bill restores the constitutional checks and balances by reining in federal agencies and restoring Congress’s preeminent role in writing our nation’s laws." Read more

  • Pray for Dallas
    Posted in Press Releases on July 8, 2016 | Preview rr

    That anyone would take a moment where Americans joined together in peace to savagely attack those who have sworn to protect and serve is just sickening. Our prayers are with the officers, their families and all Texans who believe in the sanctity of life and who are grieving today with our men and women in blue. Read more

  • FBI Bows to Political Pressure: Gives Former Secretary of State Clinton a Pass
    Posted in Press Releases on July 5, 2016 | Preview rr

    U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady issued the following statement after the Federal Bureau of Investigation laid out a detailed and convincing case against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then declined to pursue federal charges. Read more