Markey Statement on the Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee and dean of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, today released the following statement in recognition of the 47th anniversary of the signing of Medicare and Medicaid into law.
“Almost half a century after the passage of Medicare and Medicaid into law, Democrats are again fighting to ensure the promise of these bedrock health programs. Draconian proposals from Congressional Republicans would devastate these fundamental health care programs to the detriment of the millions of seniors, children and people with disabilities who depend on them. After a lifetime of work, seniors deserve the security that Medicare and Medicaid provide. It is time for Republicans to stop their effort to end Medicare as we know at the same time they protect tax breaks for billionaires and big oil companies. I will continue to fight against any efforts to end Medicare and gut Medicaid to ensure their promise for future generations.”
