Photo of the Week

Standing with my House colleagues on the Capitol steps to honor the 15th Anniversary of 9/11. We stood to honor those who lost their lives that day, including the many first responder heroes who ran into burning buildings, and also to show our resolve that we never forget that day.

Weekly Update

Following the Labor Day weekend, House Republicans hit the ground running as we returned to Washington and immediately got to work on a full "Better Way" agenda addressing a wide variety of issues. We are continuing our work in the Energy and Commerce Committee on legislation to improve the economy, our healthcare system and energy policy. Visit the Energy & Commerce website for information about specific legislation, scheduled hearings and votes.

This week, I introduced legislation to provide protection and clarity to healthcare policyholders. Below you will find information about how my bill, H.R. 5960, The Consumer Healthcare Insurance Transparency Act of 2016, will require the Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to report the following year’s premium rate increases by November 1st of each year in order to better inform, create more transparency and educate consumers on potential annual premium increases in order to make better decisions for their families and businesses.

On Friday, I joined my House colleagues on the steps of the Capitol to remember September 11. As we mark this 15th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we must remain vigilant as we continue to face the evils of terrorism both at home and abroad. I hope that you will join me today in remembering those who died on September 11, those they left behind, and those who fight in our armed forces to keep us safe.

The Consumer Healthcare Insurance Transparency Act

Patients deserve to know how the policies enacted in this administration will affect their family budgets. CMS owes it to our citizens to be transparent about premium increases so they can plan for their family’s financial and healthcare needs. It is also crucial that they have this information prior to Election Day so they can make an informed vote about policies which affect them so profoundly. In mandating that CMS publish premium increases, our citizens can better make an informed vote to determine the fate of this country and its health care system.

H.R. 5960 requires CMS to report the following year’s premium rate increases by November 1st of each year in order to better inform consumers on the varying plans and corresponding annual rate increases.

Click here to read The Consumer Healthcare Insurance Transparency Act of 2016.

Never Forget

On Friday morning, a representative of my office attended the memorial ceremony on Fort Bragg marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

The flag flew against a bright blue sky reminiscent of the September 11 of 15 years ago.
MG Paul LaCamera, Deputy Commanding General, XVIII Airborne Corps and Acting Senior Commander of Ft Bragg spoke at the Ft. Bragg ceremony.