Environment »

When I came to Congress, the worst case estimates for global temperature increases by the end of this century were 6-10 degrees Fahrenheit. Six years later, these are now the mainstream estimates for climate change if we do nothing and allow the current trend lines on greenhouse gas emissions to continue.

Foreign Policy »

It goes without saying that we live in a fragile, volatile world. Revolutions spring up overnight, powered by Twitter and Google. Instead of tracking armies of thousands gathering against us, we track individual bomb-makers hiding in ungovernable spaces.

Social Security and Medicare »

My grandfather didn’t have it easy – he moved from job to job throughout his life trying to make ends meet. He was employed as a factory worker, a security guard, and even ran a convenience store in New Britain for a while. When he retired, he had saved as much as he could, but he needed Social Security to survive.

Tax Reform »

Our current federal tax system simply does not work any longer, for individuals, businesses, or for the interests of long term economic growth. I believe that any effort to reform the tax code should be built around a few relatively simple principles.

Veterans »

When I discovered that every night in Connecticut, there were nearly 1,000 veterans living on our streets homeless, I decided to do something about it. I brought the Assistant Secretary of the Veterans Administration to Connecticut to hear the stories of our homeless veterans, and to understand how they could help us tackle this problem.