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GAO's Action Tracker

GAO's Action Tracker is an online tool for monitoring the progress executive branch agencies and Congress have made in addressing the actions identified in GAO’s annual reports. Fully addressing every action in this tool would result in tens of billions in savings for the federal government.

To examine the extent to which the legislative and executive branches have made progress in implementing the areas we have reported on in previous annual reports on fragmentation, overlap, and duplication, we reviewed relevant legislation and documents such as budgets, policies, strategic and implementation plans, guidance, and other information related to the actions included in these previous reports.

We used the following criteria in assessing the status of areas:

  • We determined that an area was "addressed" if all actions in that area were addressed; "partially addressed" if at least one action needed in that area showed some progress toward implementation but not all actions were addressed; and "not addressed" if none of the actions needed in that area were addressed or partially addressed.

We used the following criteria in assessing the status of actions:

  • In assessing congressional actions, we applied the following criteria: "addressed" means relevant legislation is enacted and addresses all aspects of the action needed; "partially addressed" means a relevant bill has passed a committee, the House of Representatives, or the Senate, or relevant legislation has been enacted but only addressed part of the action needed; and "not addressed" means a bill may have been introduced but did not pass out of a committee, or no relevant legislation has been introduced.
  • In assessing executive branch actions we applied the following criteria: "addressed" means implementation of the action needed has been completed; "partially addressed" means the action needed is in development, started but not yet completed; and "not addressed" means the administration, the agencies, or both have made minimal or no progress toward implementing the action needed.