Press Releases

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  • Nunes Introduces New Intern Program
    Posted in Press Releases on October 18, 2016 | Preview rr

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) is introducing a new internship program focused on developing technical communications skills. Participants in the program, the Technology and Education Center, will identify topics of public interest as the basis for communications projects. Using video, photography, and technical editing tools, interns will create audiovisual reports and presentations that will be disseminated to a public audience through social media, Congressman Nunes’ website, and other means... Read more

  • Nunes Comments on GOP Tax Reform Blueprint
    Posted in Press Releases on June 24, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Budget & Federal Spending, Trade, Taxes

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) issued the following statement today after House Republicans released their tax reform blueprint: “This is a really bold and aggressive plan that would essentially junk the current tax code and scrap the IRS as we know it. Measures like full expensing for business investment and the move toward a territorial tax system are exactly what the U.S. needs to create jobs, encourage start-up businesses, end the exodus of U.S. companies abroad, and regain our competitive ... Read more

  • Nunes Introduces Bill Supporting Arctic Energy Leases
    Posted in Press Releases on June 15, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Energy, Public Lands, Environment, Homeland Security

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22), Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives today encouraging the Department of the Interior to advance its plan to sell two leases for energy development in the Arctic. The Arctic lease sales are included in the Department of the Interior’s draft plan for its 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program. However, after canceling the draft plan’s approval of new drilling in t... Read more

  • Nunes comments on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    Posted in Press Releases on April 5, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Foreign Affairs

    House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement today on the recent fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh: "The clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh risk escalating into a dangerous, wider war. The ceasefire must be scrupulously observed, while Azerbaijan needs to implement widely-supported peacekeeping measures along the line of contact, including a withdrawal of snipers and an expanded role for the OSCE." Read more

  • Congressman Nunes Introduces Public Pensions Bill
    Posted in Press Releases on March 21, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Budget & Federal Spending, Government Reform

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) today introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to encourage transparency in state and local pension systems and to prevent federal bailouts of insolvent pension plans. State and local pension systems may seem fiscally secure, but that is often a façade created by assuming unrealistic rates of returns on investments and by using other accounting tricks. In fact, a forthcoming report from Stanford Professor of Finance Joshua Rauh estimates that the fiscal h... Read more

  • Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes
    Posted in Press Releases on January 13, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives today that would overhaul the system for taxing businesses. Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions: Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for bus... Read more

  • Nunes comments on East Asia
    Posted in Press Releases on January 11, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Foreign Affairs, Defense

    House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement today on developments in East Asia: "In light of the recent nuclear test by North Korea, it is vital for the United States to further strengthen our alliance with Japan and to continue our policy of extended deterrence. We should also strengthen trilateral cooperation with Japan and South Korea. The recently announced agreement on issues related to comfort women is a big step forward in improvi... Read more

  • Chairman Nunes Introduces Iran Terrorism Bill
    Posted in Press Releases on December 15, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Foreign Affairs, Trade, Defense, Homeland Security

    House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (CA-22) today introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to crack down on international funding of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The IRGC is a sprawling branch of the Iranian military responsible for numerous terrorist attacks throughout the world, including its provision of weapons and other support for Iraqi terrorists who killed U.S. soldiers. The organization also controls wide swathes of the Iran... Read more

  • Nunes to Remain as Intel Committee Chairman
    Posted in Press Releases on October 29, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Budget & Federal Spending, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Homeland Security

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) today issued the following statement announcing his intention to remain Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: “I am honored to have been asked by the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, to continue serving as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Our nation faces unprecedented global threats ranging from the growing risk of deadly terrorism to debilitating cyber-attacks, and the Intelligence Community’s response to these threat... Read more

  • Rep. Nunes Comments on Speaker Boehner Resignation
    Posted in Press Releases on September 25, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Government Reform

    Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) released the following statement today in reaction to John Boehner’s announcement of his intention to resign as Speaker of the House: “John Boehner has served with honor and distinction as Speaker of the House, leading the Republican Party as it amassed its biggest House majority in more than eighty years. Against determined opposition, he has guided bills to passage in the House that would implement a conservative agenda that puts America back on the path to pros... Read more