Washington, D.C. – House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on the Obama Administration’s lifting of sanctions on Iranian banks the same day Iran released American prisoners:

“Iran drives a hard bargain, but lucky for them it looks like there isn’t anything the Obama Administration won’t give to ensure their continued support for this failed nuclear deal. Not only did the Obama Administration send hundreds of millions of dollars in unmarked cash in a cargo plan as ransom for American citizens back in January, there are now reports that the Administration backed the lifting of UN sanctions on two Iranian banks that very same day. And these weren’t just any banks. These banks were sanctioned for providing financing for Iran’s ballistic-missile program—a program that violates UN resolutions. Under the President’s own nuclear deal, these sanction were not supposed to be lifted for another seven years. President Obama already sold the farm to Iran to achieve this unequal deal. Giving an unreformed Iran even more is inexcusable and dangerous.”