Press Release

Press Release

The Administration’s Actions Fly in the Face of Congressional Intent

The Administration must follow the law as written and as it agreed to, not as it wants it to be. That is the best way to keep America safe.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Senate Democrats’ Filibuster of the SAFE Act

Senate Democrats are ignoring the legitimate concerns of the American people by rejecting this reasonable and widely supported bill.”

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on Iran Deal Implementation

Iran has not been held accountable for its actions and there is no indication that President Obama will hold them accountable in this failure of a deal.

Press Release

The President Should Match His Words With Actions and Sign Congress’ Bipartisan EPA Overreach Bill

The President should fulfill his own State of the Union hopes by joining with bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate to stop this latest example of federal overreach.

Press Release

The President is Putting His Legacy Over America’s Security Interests

Iran should not be given free rein in a futile attempt to keep them in a bad deal. We need to impose strong sanctions against Iran, not lift the sanctions we already have.
