
My Washington and San Jose offices offer summer, fall and spring internships for college students. An internship is a valuable opportunity to see how a Congressional office functions, and to contribute to our efforts to serve and represent the people of Santa Clara County.

To apply, please complete the Internship Application Form.

*Please be advised that mail service to Capitol Hill is delayed due to current security measures. We strongly urge applicants to send their application via the Internship Application Form.

**Please note there is no compensation for internships.

Applicant's Contact Information
Applicant's Telephone
Applicant's Additional Information
Where would you like to work (check all that apply):

Permanent Address (if different)

Emergency Contact Information:

Additional Relevant Information

Skills applicable to internship
Academic Information

If you are currently enrolled in College/University, please answer the following:

Is academic credit available for internships?
Applicant's Cover Letter and Resume: