Visiting Washington

My Washington, D.C. office is available for questions you may have about a visit to our nation's capital and can place requests for advance Congressional tour tickets to many of D.C.'s popular attractions and historical landmarks. Tour ticket availability varies throughout the year, so please contact my office with at least 8-12 weeks advance notice whenever possible.

My office can help request advance Congressional tour tickets for the following attractions:

U.S. Capitol
The White House
Bureau of Engraving & Printing
Library of Congress
Kennedy Center
Supreme Court
National Archives

Tickets are provided to my Congressional office by each tour site on a first come, first served basis. Please be aware that even with significant advanced notice, tour requests for these attractions often fill up quickly, especially during the peak tourist season of February through August. You may receive confirmation of tour availability on a rolling basis, and often times, right up until the date of your departure.

When you arrive in D.C., please feel free to stop by my office in the Longworth House Office Building (room 1401). We will be happy to provide you with a gallery pass to attend a session of the House of Representatives or Senate.

For further help in planning a visit you can explore these websites to learn all that D.C. has to offer:

U.S. House of Representatives Visitor Information
Washington D.C. Convention and Tourism
Map of Capitol Hill campus vicinity
D.C. Metro rail system

Please submit the following information to request a tour. Please note that submitting this information does not guarantee your reservation for your tour request.

Please be advised that tours may be cancelled due to weather or national security issues.

Contact Information
Prefix * First Name * Last Name *
Address *
City * State * Zip *
Email *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone * or other DC Contact number
Requested Tours
If you would like to request a White House tour, the following information is also required for each member of your party:
Full Name Birthdate /
Identification Visiting From

Place of Residence

Travel Dates and Information Date Arrive in D.C. *

Date Return Home *

Dates Available for Tours *

Total Number of Visitors *
Additional Information Write us about your tour details and any special accommodations that you may need.
* indicates information that you need to provide.