The Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2015 is a bipartisan bill to create jobs and promote energy efficiency. The bill would significantly reduce U.S. energy consumption by improving energy efficiency.

Mechanical insulation is a proven technology that would drastically cut energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial buildings, but it is cost prohibitive for many employers. This bill would give employers a tax incentive for installation costs of mechanical insulation in commercial or industrial buildings. The company would receive a 30 percent tax credit in the fiscal year in which the mechanical insulation was put in service or maintenance completed. The tax credit would be available for five years, giving ample time to implement the necessary installation.

Estimates show that this legislation would create 25,000 jobs annually, save $35 billion in energy costs and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 170 million metric tons.

Mechanical insulation encompasses all thermal, acoustical and personal safety requirements for mechanical piping and equipment, as well as Heating, Ventilating and Air Condition (HVAC) applications. The system is used across a wide platform of commercial and industrial buildings to decrease heating and cooling costs while increasing efficiency.

The Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2015 is a bipartisan win-win. Increased use and maintenance of mechanical insulation can pay for itself in a short time, help grow the economy and better preserve our environment.

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Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2015

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