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  • When free trade isn't free
    Posted in Op-Eds on November 4, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs and Economic Growth

    This op-ed was posted in the Washington Examiner. On both the right and the left, Americans are ticked off that Washington has been captured by an elitist establishment that appears unconcerned by the struggles of the disappearing middle class. Take this week's news that Obamacare premiums are set to go up over 20 percent across the country. Yet leadership in Washington is determined to take up the highly controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership in the December lame-duck. Will TPP benefit middle-... Read more

  • 5 ways the next Congress can protect gun rights
    Posted in Op-Eds on October 21, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Second Amendment

    This op-ed was shared by Conservative Review. President Obama’s famous words on executive actions, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” was not reflective of a temporary mindset. No, this is how all future liberal presidents plan to govern. Hillary Clinton, if elected president, will need to be checked by a Republican Congress in every issue area. She will especially need to be checked on the issue of firearms. Hillary Clinton sadly misunderstands our fundamental right to keep and bear arms. Ea... Read more

  • Congress needs to say ‘no’ to Obama’s lame duck spending bill
    Posted in Op-Eds on September 27, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Budget and Fiscal Issues

    This op-ed was shared by TheBlaze. The American people have demanded action and accountability from Washington. Yet Congress is preparing to negotiate a big, unaccountable spending package during President Barack Obama’s lame duck — while we ignore our $600 billion deficit. Lame duck sessions historically pass some of the worst legislation. That’s why they’re called lame. Last year, the House produced what Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) called a “crap sandwich.” This year we look likely to approve ... Read more

  • America needs an economic recovery from its ‘recovery’
    Posted in Op-Eds on September 13, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs and Economic Growth

    This op-ed was shared by The Hill. It has been eight years since our housing market bubble burst, and despite a “recovery” presided over by President Obama, the U.S. economy is still sputtering instead of picking up steam. Americans instinctively know this, because they do not have more in their paychecks or bank accounts, and 63 percent of us cannot cover a $500 emergency. A recent report by the Congressional Research Service found that real gross domestic product (GDP), the value of the goods ... Read more

  • Hypocritical Left Has Own Version of ‘Apocalyptic’ Rhetoric
    Posted in Op-Eds on August 18, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Congressional Ethics

    This op-ed was shared by TheBlaze. Journalists and media pundits roundly mocked the “apocalyptic” tone of the Republican National Convention, while conveniently forgetting how often the left hails the end of times in its own dark and stormy rhetoric. Secretary of State John Kerry recently stated that air conditioners and refrigerators pose as big a threat to “life on the planet” as terrorists. And lest this appear like an accidental over-statement, the Obama administration has repeated the claim... Read more

  • Brat optimistic on bills to limit immigration, funding for radical Islam
    Posted in Op-Eds on July 24, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Immigration, National Security

    Congress is slowly coming around to the need to enhance national security, according to Virginia Rep. Dave Brat, which makes him optimistic about four bills he proposed this month that would tighten immigration controls and cut off funding for terrorist groups. "Even Paul Ryan is messaging this week that we have to crack down on illegal immigration, as he's running his own race," Brat told the Washington Examiner, referring to the primary election campaign Speaker Ryan is waging against conserva... Read more

  • Puerto Rico bill 'turns free citizens into subjects'
    Posted in Op-Eds on June 9, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Congressional Ethics, Jobs and Economic Growth

    The PROMESA Act creates an unelected, unaccountable "control board" imposed by Congress to manage Puerto Rico's spending and tax policies for at least five years. Read more

  • Rep. Brat: House leaders don’t get it on slashing the federal budget
    Posted in Op-Eds on May 12, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Congressional Ethics, Budget and Fiscal Issues

    Conservatives are supposed to stand for fiscal discipline, balanced budgets and reducing government waste. Read more

  • Brat: Congress must act to keep Americans SAFE from terrorism
    Posted in Op-Eds on April 10, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Immigration, National Security

    Rep. Brat leads effort, along with Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) and 52 of our colleagues in the House, are asking for language from HR 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (or SAFE) Act of 2015 to be added to must-pass legislation this year. Read more

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