Senator H. John Heinz
Senator H. John Heinz III of Pennsylvania
Chairman, 1981 - 1986
- 1981 Committee Report: The Proposed Fiscal Year 1982 Budget: What it Means for Older Americans
- 1981 Committee Report: Action on Aging Legislation in the 96th Congress
- 1981 Committee Report: Energy and the Aged
- 1981 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1980 (Part 1)
- 1981 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1980 (Part 2)
- 1981 Committee Report: 1981 Federal Income Tax Legislation: How it Affects Older Americans and Those Planning for Retirement
- 1981 Committee Report: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981
- 1981 Committee Report: Toward a National Older Worker Policy
- 1981 Committee Report: Crime and the Elderly - What You Can Do?
- 1981 Committee Report: Social Security in Europe: The Impact of an Aging Population
- 1981 Committee Report: Background Materials Relating to Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services Efforts to Combat Fraud, Waste and Abuse
- 1981 Committee Report: A Guide to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA's)
- 1982 Committee Report: Social Security Disability: Past, Present and Future
- 1982 Committee Report: The Proposed Fiscal Year 1983 Budget: What it Means for Older Americans
- 1982 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1981 (Part 1)
- 1982 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1981 (Part 2)
- 1982 Committee Report: Linkages between Private Pensions and Social Security Reform
- 1982 Committee Report: Health Care Expenditures for the Elderly: How Much Protection Does Medicare Provide?
- 1982 Committee Report: Turning Home Equity into Income for Older Homeowners
- 1982 Committee Report: Aging and the Work Force: Human Resource Strategies
- 1982 Committee Report: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in the Medicare Pacemaker Industry
- 1982 Committee Report: Congressional Action on the Fiscal Year 1983 Budget: What It Means for Older Americans
- 1982 Committee Report: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Enforcement of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: 1979-1982
- 1983 Committee Report: Consumer Frauds and Elderly Persons: A Growing Problem
- 1983 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1982 (Part 1)
- 1983 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1982 (Part 2)
- 1983 Committee Report: Action on Aging Legislation in the 97th Congress
- 1983 Committee Report: Prospects for Medicare's Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
- 1983 Committee Report: The Proposed Fiscal Year 1984 Budget: What It Means for Older Americans
- 1983 Committee Report: You and Your Medicines: Guidelines for Older Americans
- 1983 Committee Report: Heat Stress and Older Americans: Problems and Solutions
- 1983 Committee Report: Current Developments in Prospective Reimbursement Systems for Financing Hospital Care
- 1984 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1983 (Part 1)
- 1984 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1983 (Part 2)
- 1984 Committee Report: Medicare: Paying the Physician - History, Issues and Options
- 1984 Committee Report: Older Americans and the Federal Budget: Past, Present and Future
- 1984 Committee Report: Medicare and the health Cost of Older Americans: The Extent and Effects of Cost Sharing
- 1984 Committee Report: 1981 Federal Income Tax Legislation: How it Affects Older Americans and Those Planning for Retirement
- 1984 Committee Report: Long-Term Care in Western Europe and Canada: Implications for the United States
- 1984 Committee Report: The Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974: The First Decade
- 1984 Committee Report: The Costs of Employing Older Workers
- 1985 Committee Report: Health and Extended Worklife
- 1985 Committee Report: Personnel Practices for an Aging Workforce: Private-Sector Examples
- 1985 Committee Report: 10th Anniversary of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
- 1985 Committee Report: Compilation of the Older Americans Act of 1965 and Related Provisions of Law
- 1985 Committee Report: America in Transition: An Aging Society, 1984-1985
- 1985 Committee Report: How Older Americans Live: An Analysis of Census Data
- 1985 Committee Report: Congressional Briefing of the 50th Anniversary of Social Security
- 1986 Committee Report: The Cost of Mandating Pension Accruals for Older Workers
- 1986 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1985 (Part 1)
- 1986 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1985 (Part 2)
- 1986 Committee Report: Developments in Aging: 1985 (Part 3)
- 1986 Committee Report: Alternative Budgets for Fiscal Year 1987: Impact on Older Americans
- 1986 Committee Report: Nursing Home Care: The Unfinished Agenda
- 1986 Committee Report: Hazards in Reuse of Disposable Dialysis Devices
- 1986 Committee Report: Hazards in Reuse of Disposable Dialysis Devices - Appendix
- 1986 Committee Report: The Health Status and Health Care Needs of Older Americans
- 1986 Committee Report: A Matter of Choice: Planning Ahead for Health Care Decisions