Category Archives: High Risk List

Federal Cybersecurity Challenges

These days, when you turn on the news you almost always see another hack, leak, or breach putting sensitive information at risk. But we’ve been focusing on keeping federal agency information systems secure for a long time. For October’s Cybersecurity … Continue reading

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Avoiding a Washed-Up Flood Insurance Program

The floods devastating Louisiana will cause millions, if not billions, of dollars’ worth of damage. Homeowners who opted to purchase flood insurance coverage for their property may be able to rely on the National Flood Insurance Program for help. Today … Continue reading

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All About Medicaid

We’ve talked a lot about Medicare on this blog but Medicaid, a federal-state health care program, is also on our radar. In fact, it’s one of our High Risk issues. Today’s WatchBlog looks at the size and complexity of Medicaid, … Continue reading

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Managing for Results in the Federal Government (podcast)

Every year, certain executive branch federal agencies are supposed to identify their major management challenges and report on their specific plans to fix them. But are they following through and effectively identifying challenges and solutions? Listen to Chris Mihm, managing … Continue reading

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Strengthening the Federal Workforce

The first week of May is Public Service Recognition Week, honoring the people who serve the country—and the public. It’s also a time for us to examine federal agencies and the Office of Personnel Management’s efforts to hire, develop, and … Continue reading

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(Not) Taking Care of Business at DOD

Defending the nation involves much more than combat and weaponry. The Department of Defense spends billions each year managing the business side of its operations. And like the threats to our nation, the nature of business is constantly evolving. That’s … Continue reading

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The Nuts and Bolts of DOD Inventory Management

The Department of Defense (DOD) manages more than 5 million inventory items—such as nuts, bolts, and tires—that are valued at about $98 billion. Given budget pressures across the federal government, it’s essential that DOD make effective and thoughtful decisions about … Continue reading

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A Closer Look at Privacy as a High Risk Area – When Advancing Technology Meets Increasing Concerns

From online health care exchanges to mobile device location data, the privacy of personally identifiable information (PII) is a major concern when it comes to information technology. Today, we take a closer look at the privacy of PII, and why … Continue reading

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Contractors in Iraq & Afghanistan

At the peak of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of military contractors sometimes met or exceeded the number of U.S. military personnel in service. Since then, contracted support in these areas has decreased, but contractors continue to … Continue reading

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Surplus DOD Real Estate and Infrastructure

The Department of Defense (DOD) owns more than 562,000 military support facilities including barracks, commissaries, labs, and office buildings. These facilities are located on more than 5,000 sites covering more than 28 million acres worldwide.

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