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Ways and Means
Learn more about our plan to deliver a pro-growth tax code built for the 21st century:
In June, Ways and Means Republicans led the effort to unveil a “Better Way for Tax Reform.” This bold Blueprint delivers a 21st century tax code built for growth – the growth of families’ paychecks,...
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Sue Ellen Warren Nov 4
Make it good Paul,
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karen f wolfe Nov 4
Ryan helped create this mess!
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Deplorable Sonya Nov 4
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the @real truthhurtz Nov 4
More lyin'Ryan bullshit!!!!! I'd rather die an honest man . than sell my soul like a lyin'Ryan. Tick tock tick tock tick tock lyin'Ryan.
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Jeanie Sovereign Nov 4
Yes and CLINTON wants to increase our taxes. Look what she has done to the college students that have 4.0 to get just 2 years of college.
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David Foody Nov 4
Ahem...this being the same organization that gave us the current tax code laced w/loopholes bought by bribes⁉️
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One Bad Hombre Nov 4
You guys are going to accomplish nothing because you only believe in your way or the highway. Screw all of you.
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christine willard Nov 4
8.6 decrease in taxes for UPPER echelon.
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Bobby Pollan Nov 4
that's what Donald Trump said from the get go
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Candy Armstrong Nov 4
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georgia haney Nov 5
not deep enough try 15% get industry back in the USA jobs will mean economy moving forward
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Robert Nov 5
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Ren Mann Nov 5
He says 1 thing & does the opposite like 90% of all Republicans.
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Carl Savickas Nov 6
Election mumbo jumbo. Clean house in Con-gress..
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gaylon clark Nov 6
cut taxes at the bottom, not the top.
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