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Rep. Brat Receives "A" Rating from Gun Owners of America

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Washington, D.C., October 20, 2016 | Barbara Boland (202-225-2815) | comments
Rep. Brat (R-Va.) issued the following statement after receiving an "A" rating from Gun Owners of America:

"I am very proud to have earned an 'A' rating from Gun Owners of America. I have always fought to defend our God-given rights, including the right to bare arms - not just when it is convenient. The second amendment is a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution because it provides the ultimate guarantee of sovereignty, and my commitment to protecting this, and all rights, is unwavering."

Gun Owners of America Executive Director Erich Pratt thanked Congressman Brat for his support saying,

“As the 114th Congress comes to a close, Rep. Dave Brat is clearly the most pro-gun congressman in Virginia.  Brat has stood 100% in favor of gun owners’ rights.  It’s refreshing to see a congressman staying true to his oath of office.”

To see the scores for all of Virginia's representatives, click here.

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