Must Read

October 2016
Drug maker thwarted plan to limit OxyContin prescriptions at dawn of opioid epidemic
Politico: Drug lobby adds $100M to war chest ahead of pricing battle
Center for Responsive Politics: Lobbyists, campaign cash help drug industry stymie bid to restrain Medicare prescription costs
The Guardian: Planet at its hottest in 115,000 years thanks to climate change, experts say
The Guardian: Planet at its hottest in 115,000 years thanks to climate change, experts say
NPR: Former Wells Fargo Employees Describe Toxic Sales Culture, Even At HQ
The New York Times: Death Penalty Loses Majority Support for First Time in 45 Years
September 2016
Bloomberg: How the IRS Helps the Rich Get Richer
The New Republic: Recalculating the Climate Math
The Huffington Post: To The EpiPen CEO: My Daughters Will Be Nothing Like You
August 2016
The Huffington Post: Here’s What Parents Of Kids With Life-Threatening Allergies Think Of The EpiPen Price Increases
The New York Times: Taking a Stand at Standing Rock
The Washington Post: Why Mylan’s ‘savings card’ won’t make EpiPen cheaper for all patients
Burlington Free Press: Could you retire on $15,000 a year in Vermont?
The Huffington Post: Why A Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Inevitable
The Washington Post: Sanders, Arizona’s Grijalva call for ending use of privately run detention centers
Vox: There's a simple fix for Obamacare's current woes: the public option
The New York Times: Reeling From Effects of Climate Change, Alaskan Village Votes to Relocate
The Washington Post: The wealthy have nearly healed from recession. The poor haven’t even started.
The Washington Post: The wealthy have nearly healed from recession. The poor haven’t even started.
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