Press Releases

May 2007

Date Title
5/10/07 McConnell Calls for Judicial Confirmation Process to Get ‘Back on Pace’
5/10/07 Senator McConnell Column on the Commonsense Consumption Act
5/9/07 McConnell: We Can Achieve Immigration Reform This Year
5/9/07 McConnell Commends Bipartisan Bill to Improve Patient Health
5/2/07 With Veto Sustained, Real Work on Troop Funding Bill Can Begin

April 2007

Date Title
4/30/07 Senator McConnell Introduces Legislation to Promote Kentucky's Horse Industry
4/27/07 Congressional Leadership to Meet with President on Wednesday, Discuss New Troop Funding Bill
4/26/07 With Posturing Over, Senate Can Now Pass a Real Funding Bill
4/25/07 McConnell Applauds Bipartisan Support of America COMPETES Act
4/24/07 Senator McConnell's Column on the America COMPETES Act
4/23/07 The Answer to the Democrats’ Funding Quandary:
4/23/07 McConnell Statement on National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
4/23/07 Medicare, Social Security Report Confirms Urgent Need for Congressional Action
4/23/07 McConnell Statement on Iraq Conference Report
4/20/07 Investing in Our Future
4/19/07 McConnell op-ed: The Medicare Drug Benefit is Working for Kentucky's Seniors
4/19/07 McCONNELL: ‘Surely this isn’t the consensus position of Senate Democrats’
4/19/07 McConnell's Statement on the 2007 National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance Ceremony
4/18/07 McConnell: Republicans Are Protecting Negotiations
4/18/07 McConnell: Don’t Roll Back this Remarkable Success
4/17/07 Senator McConnell's Op-ed on Tax Day 2007
4/16/07 Senator McConnell on the Virginia Tech Tragedy
4/16/07 McConnell: ‘We will continue to defend our right to be heard’
4/16/07 Will Democrats Negotiate?
4/14/07 McConnell Calls on Democrats to Speed Funding for the Troops