Press Releases

March 2007

Date Title
3/7/07 McConnell Floor Statement on Security Amendment
3/7/07 McConnell: Five Provisions That Deserve a Vote
3/6/07 McConnell Statement on President’s Commission on Conditions at Military Hospitals
3/6/07 McConnell: We Must Focus on Improving Security
3/5/07 McConnell: America Will Continue to be at the Forefront of Innovation
3/1/07 McConnell: It Falls to the Senate to Protect Workers’ Rights
3/1/07 Statement of U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell on Walter Reed Army Medical Center

February 2007

Date Title
2/27/07 McConnell on Iraq, Homeland Security
2/23/07 Still Looking For A Goldilocks Resolution
2/18/07 McConnell on CNN "Late Edition"
2/17/07 Remarks From Senator McConnell On Senate Floor
2/17/07 What Are They Afraid Of?
2/17/07 Statement of Senator McConnell on the Death of Congressman Gene Snyder
2/16/07 McConnell Statement on House Small Business Tax Package
2/15/07 McConnell: We Are Ready for This Debate
2/14/07 McConnell: Stay-The-Course Resolution Won’t Provide Security In Iraq
2/12/07 McConnell Op-Ed on Life and Legacy of Abraham Lincoln
2/9/07 McConnell to Appear on FOX News Sunday
2/8/07 McConnell and Lott: We Renew Our Commitment to Debate
2/6/07 McConnell: Should We Fund the War or Not?
2/5/07 Department of Defense Increases Chemical Demilitarization Funding Request at McConnell's Urging
2/5/07 McConnell: Budget Contains Pro-Growth Policies
2/1/07 McConnell Praises Passage of Minimum Wage Package

January 2007

Date Title
1/30/07 Cooperation on Minimum Wage
1/29/07 McConnell To Appear On Fox "Your World" Today