Press Releases

July 2011

Date Title
7/12/11 McConnell: We Will Not Pretend That a Bad Deal Is a Good One
7/7/11 Republicans Will Offer Solutions on Debt and Jobs Crisis
7/6/11 McConnell Opposes White House Decision to Import Foreign Terrorist Into New York
7/6/11 McConnell Challenges the President to Do ‘Something Big’ on Debt Reduction
7/5/11 McConnell Comments on President’s Invitation for a Debt Reduction Meeting on Thursday
7/5/11 McConnell to Holder: Reconsider your decision to treat foreign fighters as common criminals
7/5/11 McConnell Re-extends Invitation to the President to Discuss Debt Reduction

June 2011

Date Title
6/30/11 McConnell Invites President to the Capitol
6/29/11 Senate Republicans Will Fight for a Balanced Budget Amendment Vote
6/29/11 Broke or Balanced – That’s the Choice
6/28/11 McConnell on Markup of Pending Trade Agreements
6/27/11 McConnell: Take Tax Hikes and Increased Spending Off the Table
6/27/11 Sen. McConnell: Cut spending, don't add more stimulus
6/27/11 McConnell on Supreme Court Decision to Overturn an Arizona Campaign Finance Law
6/24/11 McConnell: Monday meeting an opportunity to hear what the President is prepared to do on fiscal crisis
6/23/11 Where’s the President?
6/23/11 McConnell Comments on Louisville Severe Weather
6/22/11 McConnell’s Statement on President’s Afghanistan Speech
6/21/11 McConnell Comments on Rescue of Kentucky Coal Miners
6/21/11 Debt Talks Should Focus on Entitlement Reform, Spending Cuts—Not Tax Hikes
6/20/11 McConnell Comments on Kentucky Flooding and Efforts to Rescue Trapped Coal Miners
6/15/11 Americans Aren’t Amused by Worsening Economy
6/14/11 Send Them to Guantanamo
6/13/11 McConnell Cites Paducah Facility’s Potential for Jobs, Economic Impact at House Hearing
6/9/11 Debt Limit Vote Is Opportunity to Cut Spending, Reform Entitlements