Rep. Kelly Statement on FBI Reopening Investigation of Hillary Clinton

Oct 28, 2016

WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) issued the following statement today in response to news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has resumed its investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for criminal wrongdoing regarding her e-mail server.

“I applaud the FBI for carrying out its duty and refusing to let illegal activity go unchecked. Hillary Clinton ‎is not above the law—period. ‎Crime is crime, no matter the title or ambition of the person committing it.

“It is already outrageous that our Secretary of State was ‘extremely careless’ with classified information during her service and recklessly put our national security at risk. It is equally shameful and dangerous that this individual is now seeking to occupy the world's most powerful office, the American presidency. As the FBI’s criminal investigation goes forward, I encourage Director Comey and his team to focus on the task at hand and not permit any outside forces to influence his findings, whatever they might be.

“Until this case is closed, I fully support Speaker Ryan’s call for the Director of National Intelligence to suspend all classified briefings for Mrs. Clinton.”
