Service Academy Nominations

The U.S. Military Academies - Army, Naval, Air Force, and Merchant Marines - rank competitively with the top academic institutions in the country. These academies offer young people a chance for top-quality education and the opportunity for a solid career in the military. The U.S. government pays for all educational costs.

Who is eligible to apply?

All candidates applying for a nomination from my office must be a U.S. citizen and legal resident of the 16th Congressional District of California. They must be at least 17 years old and not yet 23 on July 1st of the year of admission. They also must not be married, pregnant, nor have a legal obligation to support a dependent.

Entrance requirements

Candidates are evaluated in the areas of academics, leadership, and physical aptitude, and must meet certain medical standards. Candidates must receive a Congressional nomination to be considered for an appointment to any of the service academies.


Members of Congress are authorized to grant Congressional nominations to candidates residing in the district they represent. Others authorized to nominate candidates include the Vice President and our two U.S. Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. Candidates should apply for nominations at the same time they apply to the service academy.

Important addresses and phone numbers:

U.S. Air Force Academy
Admissions Office
2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 200
USAF Academy, CO 80840
(800) 443-9266
Academy Admissions

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Office of Admissions
300 Steamboat Road
Kings Point, NY 11024
(516) 773-5000
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

U.S. Military Academy at West Point (Army)
Director of Admissions
606 Thayer Road
West Point, NY 10996-9902
(914) 938-4041 or 1-800-822-ARMY
U.S. Military Academy at West Point (Army)

U.S. Naval Academy
Dean of Admission
117 Decatur Road
Annapolis, MD 21402-5018
(410) 293-4361
U.S. Naval Academy

For more information, including nomination applications, academy brochures, and application deadlines, please contact my San Jose office at (408) 271-8700 or fill out the form below:

First Name * MI Last Name *
* Date of Birth:
SSN (No Dashes):
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Please provide the names of your Parents/Guardians:
Home Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
* Email:

Education Info:
High School
Graduation Date
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* GPA:
Class Size:
Class Rank:

Academy Preference: Indicate your preference in numerical order. Please do not designate any academy you would not accept. Due to the competitive nature of the nomination process, you may receive a nomination to the academy of your second, third, or fourth choice.
First Second
Third Fourth

An appointment to the Service Academies is based on a desire by the candidate to devote a lifetime of military service and implies recognition by the appointee of an obligation to the government to devote him / herself to a military career. Are you interested in an appointment on that basis?
Yes No

Remember to include:
  • Special awards and honors with dates.
  • School and outside club memberships and activities, noting leadership positions and honors received, with dates.
  • Employment, both after school and in summer, with dates and hours per week.
  • Volunteer involvement, with dates and hours per week.
  • School athletics (note Captain, Varsity letter, MVP, All-League, etc.) with dates.
  • Out-of-school recreational athletics, with dates.

Is it ok to use your name in a press release?

Yes No

Name of home town paper?

The information above is correct. I am an U.S. Citizen or will be by July 1 of the year of admissions; am at least 17 but not 23 years of age; am unmarried, not pregnant; have no child support obligation; and am a legal resident of the District.