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ABBOTT, Jo (Joseph)

ABBOTT, Jo (Joseph)
Image courtesy of Library of Congress


ABBOTT, Jo (Joseph), a Representative from Texas; born near Decatur, Morgan County, Ala., January 15, 1840; Twelfth Texas Cavalry, Confederate States of America, 1859-1865; lawyer, private practice; member of the Texas state house of representatives, 1870-1871; district judge, Hill County, Johnson County, and Bosque County, Tex., 1879-1884; elected as a Democrat to the Fiftieth and reelected to the four succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1887-March 3, 1897); was not a candidate for renomination in 1896; died on February 11, 1908, in Hillsboro, Tex.; interment in Old Cemetery, Hillsboro, Tex.

View Record in the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

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External Research Collections

University of Texas at Austin
Center for American History

Austin, TX
Papers: In the Oscar B. Colquitt Papers, 1890s, 15 letters. The letters relate to Jo Abbott's service in Congress. A finding aid is available in the repository.
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