Press Releases

November 2007

Date Title
11/7/07 McConnell Calls on House to Act Now on Veterans Funding
11/7/07 McConnell Welcomes President Sarkozy
11/6/07 McConnell: ‘Let’s Have a Fair and Open Debate’
11/6/07 Judge Mukasey Deserves a Full Senate Vote This Week
11/6/07 A Veterans Bill By Veterans Day
11/2/07 American People Set Another Economic Record
11/1/07 ‘No Gimmicks, No Games’
11/1/07 Republicans Committed to Bipartisan SCHIP Compromise

October 2007

Date Title
10/31/07 40 Days and 40 Nights Later, It’s Time to Act on the Mukasey Nomination
10/31/07 The ‘Do-Over SCHIP Bill’
10/31/07 Reagan21 Caucus Brings Needed Attention to Fiscal Discipline, National Security
10/31/07 Ag Secretary Must Ensure Continued Security, Prosperity of Nation’s Farmers
10/30/07 McConnell on the Nomination of Lt. General James Peake
10/30/07 Seven More Years of Tax-Free Internet Access
10/30/07 McConnell Calls on Majority to Fund Troops, Veterans by Veterans Day
10/26/07 McConnell: It’s Time to Start Addressing the Country’s Priorities
10/25/07 McConnell: Democratic House Leadership Says ‘No’ to Bipartisan Solution, ‘Yes’ to Politics
10/25/07 McConnell: Rangel Tax Increase ‘Dead on Arrival’ in Senate
10/24/07 McConnell: Amul Thapar has “the Wisdom and Integrity to Excel as a Federal Judge”
10/24/07 McConnell: Internet Tax Ban Should Be Made Permanent
10/24/07 McConnell on the Confirmation of Judge Southwick
10/24/07 Bipartisan Majority Supports Judge Southwick
10/24/07 McConnell on the DREAM Act
10/23/07 McConnell and Lott Propose Fiscally Responsible Alternative to ‘Stuffed’ Appropriations Bill
10/23/07 24 Years After Barracks Attack, Marines Still ‘Tip of the Spear’