LINDSAY, John Summerfield



LINDSAY, John Summerfield, a House Chaplain; born in Williamsburg, James City County, Va., March 19, 1842; A.B., College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., 1860; D.D., College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., 1881; D.D., University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., 1895; minister; chaplain, University of Virginia, 1865–1867; ordained in the Methodist Episcopalian Church in 1869; rector; elected Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives for the Forty-eighth Congress (December 4, 1883–December 7, 1885); died November 30, 1901, in Boston, Mass.

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Bibliography / Further Reading

Lindsay, John Summerfield, Hamilton Parish, 1730–1876: An Anniversary Discourse Delivered by the Rector, John S. Lindsay, in St. James’ Church, Warrenton, Va., on the Eighth Sunday after Trinity, August 6th, 1876 (Baltimore, MD: Sherwood & Co., 1876).

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