Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

Representing the 1st District of Maine

Congressional Internships

Asia Alexis, University of Southern Maine

Thank you for your interest in a Congressional Internship. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree offers internships to qualified college students and graduates who are interested in gaining hands-on experience in a congressional office. Full and part-time unpaid internships are offered year-round in both the district office in Portland, ME and the Washington, DC office.

In the Washington office, internships allow students to actively observe the legislative process while participating in the administrative operations of a congressional office. Intern responsibilities include responding to constituent inquiries, processing tour and flag requests, opening and routing incoming mail, giving tours of the Capitol, attending hearings, researching legislative issues, and performing general office duties.

In the Portland office, interns will gain hands-on experience interacting with constituents, elected officials, and business and community leaders. Interns will communicate with state and federal agencies to address the concerns and alleviate the problems of residents of the First District. In addition, responsibilities include processing tour and flag requests, opening and routing incoming mail, and performing general office duties.

These internships are intended to be educational experiences; staff will work with your institutions of higher education to help you obtain academic credit for interning.

What must be included in my application?

Niles Bond, University of BritishColumbia

All interns must submit the following:

  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Writing Sample—250 word draft letter to the editor on a current legislative/political issue

Preference will be given to applicants who:

  • Are a current or former resident of Maine or have a parent who is a Maine resident
  • Have completed one full year of college (post high school graduation)
  • Are at least 18 years of age

What are the deadlines for submitting my application?

To guarantee consideration of your application, we suggest you submit your materials by the following dates:
Winter/spring internships: November 18
Summer internships: March 15
Fall internships: July 15

Whom do I contact for more information?

Please call my Washington, D.C. Office at (202) 225-6116 for information on DC internships or my Portland Office at (207) 774-5019 for more information on Maine-based internships. Completed applications for Washington, D.C. internships should be sent to and completed applications for Portland internships should be sent to

Alanna Eaton, Providence College

Please send written requests to:
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree
Attn: Internship Coordinator
2 Portland Fish Pier, Suite 304
Portland, ME 04101

For more information about other internship opportunities in federal government, please consult the following websites:

Student Gateway to the U. S. Government