Press Releases

June 2007

Date Title
6/4/07 Senator Craig Thomas

May 2007

Date Title
5/30/07 McConnell Announces Improvements at the Leestown Campus of the Lexington VA Medical Center
5/28/07 Senator McConnell's Memorial Day Column
5/25/07 McConnell Statement on the Extension of Aung San Suu Kyi’s Detention
5/25/07 McConnell: Our Soldiers Represent the Best Our Country Has To Offer
5/24/07 Senators McConnell and Bunning Praise President Bush's Nominee for Federal Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky
5/24/07 Senator McConnell Praises Nomination of Dr. James Holsinger to be Surgeon General
5/24/07 McConnell: Kentucky to get three new VA outpatient clinics
5/24/07 McConnell: Voting is a Right at the Core of Our Democracy
5/23/07 McConnell Praises Creation of Senate Women's Caucus on Burma
5/22/07 McConnell and Gregg Offer “Stop Over-Spending Act” to Counter Democrats’ Tax-and-Spend Budget
5/21/07 McConnell: ‘We shouldn't be in a hurry to finish this bill’
5/20/07 McConnell on ABC "This Week"
5/18/07 McConnell: Negotiations ‘disappointing’
5/18/07 Statement of Senator McConnell on Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Burma
5/18/07 McConnell to Appear on ABC "This Week"
5/17/07 Bipartisan Proposal for Border Security, Immigration Reform
5/17/07 Senate Takes Next Step Toward Funding the Troops
5/17/07 Partisan Budget Puts Jobs, Economy at Risk
5/16/07 Bipartisan Majority Rejects Surrender Date
5/16/07 McConnell Blasts Efforts to Limit Freedom of Speech
5/16/07 Next Steps on the Security Supplemental
5/15/07 McConnell Comments on National Police Week
5/13/07 McConnell on CNN "Late Edition"
5/11/07 McConnell: ‘The only chance to get an immigration bill is on a bipartisan basis’