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Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Representing the 11th District of California


As your Member of Congress, one of my top priorities is to assist with questions or concerns you may be having with a federal agency. Contact our office if we can be of assistance to you, a family member, or a friend.

In order to provide better service to our constituents, we have two district offices; one  in Walnut Creek and the other in Richmond. Both offices are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT. Our Washington D.C. office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET

Are you eligible for assistance?

  1. Are you a resident of the 11th Congressional District? Find out by entering your zip code here.
  2. Does this matter primarily involve you or your dependent? Privacy laws limit your ability to represent another individual or group.
  3. Does this matter involve a federal agency? Click here to find a list of federal agencies.

If you are eligible for assistance from our office, please fill out this form in order to continue.


Our office is here to:

  • Help seniors cut through red tape: If you or anyone you know needs help securing Social Security or Medicare benefits, or has questions or concerns regarding any federal agency, our office can help.
  • Advocate for veterans: Our office can help with your claims for VA pensions, disability benefits, care in VA hospitals, and obtaining military records.
  • Identify federal grants for those who are eligible: Our office can help identify federal grants for which you or your organization might be eligible.
  • Facilitate request for flags, Congressional commendations, tours and tickets: If you would like to obtain a flag that was flown over the Capitol, request a Congressional commendation, or are planning a trip to Washington and would like to visit sites like the U.S. Capitol or the White House, please contact our office.
  • Process passport applications in certain circumstances: Our office may be able to help expedite your passport application in an emergency and can assist with lost passports, as well as monitor overseas travel restrictions.
  • Assist students with college loans: Our office can provide information and assist if you are having issues with federal student loans.
  • Request application status for immigration cases: Our office is able to request an application status for a visitor’s visa or facilitate communication with federal agencies to process immigration requests.
  • Contact the IRS on your behalf: Our office can inquire about the status of refunds, tax liens, unpaid taxes, payments and penalties.
  • Provide mortgage assistance: Our office can advocate on your behalf with banks and service companies to assist you in acquiring a loan modification and keeping your home.