Category Archives: International Affairs

Securing Anthrax (and Other Dangerous Pathogens)—the Risk of “Incomplete Inactivation”

In 2015, the Department of Defense discovered that one of its laboratories had inadvertently sent live anthrax to almost 200 other labs worldwide over 12 years. Labs routinely inactivate samples of dangerous pathogens so they can be shipped to other … Continue reading

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Wildlife Trafficking (video)

The illegal slaughter and trade in wildlife—such as elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers—is worth an estimated $7 billion to $23 billion a year, and is pushing some animals to the brink of extinction. A team led by Kim Gianopoulos, a director … Continue reading

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Detecting Fraud in the Immigrant Investor Visa Program (podcast)

Foreign nationals who make substantial investments in projects that create or sustain U.S. jobs can get a conditional green card and a path to citizenship under the Immigrant Investor Program. Yet the program’s reliance on voluminous paper applications leaves it … Continue reading

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Human Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking— using force, fraud or coercion to exploit a person for the purposes of commercial sex or to work against their will—happens in the United States. But it’s not always easy to recognize the victims or understand the scope … Continue reading

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For World Humanitarian Day, Examining Federal Efforts in Syria

Friday, August 19 is World Humanitarian Day, designed to increase the public’s awareness about humanitarian assistance and honor humanitarian personnel (including those who lost their lives in the cause of duty). In anticipation of tomorrow’s World Humanitarian Day, the WatchBlog … Continue reading

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Fighting Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation is a form of gender-based violence that has affected over 200 million women and girls worldwide. The practice involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other harm to the female genital organs for … Continue reading

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Are You an American Abroad Who Wants to Vote? It’s Registration Time

Want to vote by absentee ballot in the upcoming November 2016 general election? If you’re an American living or serving abroad, now is the time to register and request a blank ballot. But what happens next? Today’s WatchBlog shares what … Continue reading

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Tracking the E-cigarette Trade

Up to 90% of electronic cigarette devices in the multi-billion-dollar U.S. e-cigarette market are imported, according to expert estimates. But until recently, the federal government couldn’t determine the volume of e-cigarette imports because they were lumped together for tracking purposes … Continue reading

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Caring for Unaccompanied Children at the Border

Each year, tens of thousands of unaccompanied children under 18 are apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security. These children have often traveled thousands of miles under dangerous conditions to reach the United States. But they arrive at the border … Continue reading

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Podcast on U.S. Assistance to Address Unaccompanied Child Migration

In fiscal year 2014, more than 73,000 unaccompanied children—mostly from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border. These children face a host of challenges in their home countries, such as extreme violence and persistent poverty.

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