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Congressman Trent Franks

Representing the 8th District of Arizona

Our Ally Israel

More on Our Ally Israel

May 12, 2016 Articles

His Excellency Reuven Rivlin
President of the State of Israel
The Office of the President of Israel
3 HaNasi Street
Komemiut Neighborhood (Talbiyeh)
Jerusalem 92188

Dear President Rivlin,

June 9, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Upon reviewing the decision handed down yesterday by the Supreme Court in the case of Zivotofsky v. Kerry, co-Chair of the Israel Allies Caucus, Representative Trent Franks, issued the following statement:

September 22, 2011 Press Release
Washington D.C. - Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) issued the following statement regarding reports that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ intends to request full membership in the United Nations at a meeting of the U.N. Security Council this week in New York:
May 20, 2011 Press Release
May 20th, 2011 - In response to President Obama's proposal that Israel redraw its own boundaries to reflect border lines as they existed in 1967 -- thereby ceding significant swaths of land to Palestine -- Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) released the following statement:
"President Obama's suggestion that Israel return to 1967 border lines is a stance that betrays America's closest ally.

September 28, 2010 Press Release
September 28, 2010 - Following the expiration of Israel's self-imposed moratorium halting the construction of new Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) today released the following statement:
"Upon the lapsing of the moratorium on new settlements, State Department representatives expressed the Obama Administration's 'disappointment' that Israel would resume its construction of houses in the West Bank. Unfortunately, I believe the Administration's disappointment is seriously misdirected.


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