Press Releases

August 2012

Date Title
8/2/12 McConnell Honors Kentuckian for Appointment as new VFW National Inspector General
8/2/12 Administration’s Economic Policies Have Made a Bad Situation Worse
8/2/12 Dem Leader Stalls Cybersecurity, Blocks Amendments From Both Sides of the Aisle
8/1/12 House Votes to Protect American Families and Job Creators From President’s Proposed Tax Hikes
8/1/12 Obama Administration Attempting to Hide Consequences of Their Defense Cuts

July 2012

Date Title
7/31/12 Sen. McConnell Comments on Rep. Geoff Davis
7/31/12 Administration Would Keep Employees Affected By Defense Cuts in the Dark
7/30/12 Dems Ignore Their Own Rule on Judicial Nominations, Fail to Act on Basic Work of Congress
7/27/12 Sen. McConnell Talks to Agriculture Secretary about Drought Impact on Kentucky Farmers
7/26/12 Republican Leader Calls for Passage of the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act
7/26/12 Tax Hikes Won’t Create Jobs, Grow the Economy
7/26/12 McConnell-Sponsored Resolution Honoring Members of the Airborne Forces Passes Senate Files
7/25/12 Dems See Harmful Small Business Tax Hikes As Solution to Economic Crisis
7/25/12 Kentuckian Appointed to Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Review Board
7/25/12 Dems' Tax Bill Reflects Ideological, Not Economic, Concerns
7/24/12 Kentuckian Appointed to Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery Board
7/24/12 McConnell Calls for Votes on All Three Tax Proposals
7/24/12 McConnell Honors Officer Chestnut and Detective Gibson
7/23/12 McConnell Speaks on the Tragedy in Colorado
7/20/12 McConnell Statement on Colorado Tragedy
7/19/12 Democrats’ Thelma and Louise Economics: Right Off the Cliff
7/18/12 President Needs to Tell Congress His Plan for Preventing Additional Defense Cuts
7/17/12 ‘An Astounding Admission’ From Democrat Leaders
7/16/12 With Fiscal Cliff Looming, Dems Turn Focus to Failed Disclose Act
7/12/12 McConnell: ‘We Can’t Vote on a Speech’