Environment and Energy

As an environmental champion and a vocal defender of important environmental laws and policies, Congressman Blumenauer has supported efforts to strengthen the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and more. He has also helped pass new laws that promote clean energy, fight climate change, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and encourage more efficient use of valuable natural resources.

At home in Oregon, Congressman Blumenauer has been a leader in protecting some of Oregon’s most treasured icons including Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and the Owyhee Canyonlands. He is passionate about helping the federal government work in better partnership with local communities to improve watershed health and protect open spaces. His strong support for green businesses and manufacturing is helping Oregon become one of the country’s leading clean energy states.


Protecting Pollinators

Blumenauer champions legislative efforts to protect and restore our nation's pollinator populations, recognizing their importance to our food supply and to ecosystems.


Promoting Conservation in Agriculture

Blumenauer believes that we must support practices that lead to the long-term sustainability of farm land and protect biodiversity and the environment. 


Protecting Public Lands and Oregon Treasures

Blumenauer is a champion for protecting public lands, including Mount Hood and the Columbia River Gorge, two of Oregon’s crown jewels. He has also been outspoken in support of protecting the unique Owyhee Canyonlands region in southeast Oregon.


Supporting Outdoor Recreation

Hand in hand with protecting public lands, Blumenauer supports federal policies that ensure people have access to beautiful places for hiking, biking, fishing, hunting and more. He is supportive of efforts to create and maintain trails and parks, and works to raise awareness about the importance of access to and enjoyment of public lands as a key part of community livability.


Mitigating Risks from Fossil Fuel Energy

Blumenauer does not support drilling for oil in the Arctic or off the coasts of the Pacific, home to treasured ecosystems, and called upon the Administration to stop leases in the Arctic. He has also championed efforts to ensure that fossil fuel companies are transporting oil, coal, and gas safely, and that they are mitigating risks associated with transport and extraction.


Salmon and Watershed Restoration

Salmon are a valuable economic, cultural, and environmental resource for the Pacific Northwest. Congressman Blumenauer is a leader in efforts to restore self-sustaining, harvestable populations of salmon to the Columbia and Snake Rivers.



Blumenauer believes that polluters should pay when it comes to cleaning up America’s toxic legacies. He is also committed to working with EPA, local stakeholders, and the community to ensure that the Portland Harbor Superfund Site on the Willamette River is cleaned up.


Water and Oceans

Blumenauer is a leading voice in Congress to ensure the supply of safe, clean water to our communities and in our oceans and rivers, to promote sustainable fisheries, and to help our ocean ecosystems adapt to climate change.


Flood Insurance

Blumenauer believes the federal government must be a better partner to local communities in reducing and, where possible, preventing the dangers of flooding to people and property. He works with state, city, and county governments, citizens groups, and businesses to better coordinate federal assistance and prioritize pre-disaster mitigation efforts.



Congressman Blumenauer is proud to represent Oregon, a state that is recognized for its cutting-edge approaches to developing and supporting renewable energy industries such as wind, wave, solar, and geothermal, adopting energy conservation and green building techniques, building a sustainable transportation network, and encouraging smart growth policies.

Blumenauer strongly believes that our country needs a national energy policy that reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and creates clean energy jobs. Fighting climate change, one of the greatest challenges of our generation, is one of his top priorities.

The impacts of a changing climate are far-reaching, threatening not only our natural ecosystems but also our national security. In the Pacific Northwest, climate change is having significant impacts on regional temperature and water cycles, resulting in major changes for agriculture, land use, growth and development, recreation, fish and wildlife, and energy generation.


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Blumenauer is committed to increasing the supply of clean and renewable energy to Oregon consumers and utility customers around the country.


Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Blumenauer supports ending outdated fossil fuel subsidies for the highly profitable oil and gas industries, which enjoy billions of dollars in taxpayer support every year, but do not need it, and which represent the dirty energy of the past.


Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Combating Climate Change

Blumenauer believes that climate change is man-made and already upon us. He believes we must take action immediately to prevent the worst of global climate change while mitigating for the effects that are already underway. He supports action - at the international level, at the national level both in Congress and through the Administration, and at the state and local levels - that would lead to meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors that contribute to global climate change.


The House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC).

Rep. Blumenauer is also a member of The House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC). Founded 2009, the goal of the SEEC is to be a focused, active, and effective advocate for policies for clean energy innovation and job creation, environmental protection, and policies that will address global climate change.






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