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  • Ellmers Responds to President’s State of the Union Address
    Posted in Press Releases on January 12, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy, Healthcare, Veterans, Life, Homeland Security & Immigration, National Security, Energy, Regulation, Taxes

    WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement this evening following President Obama's State of the Union address to Congress: “To date, I have witnessed each of the president’s State of the Union addresses, and each of them reiterates the same thing: big promises for a bigger government in attempts to leave President Obama with an even bigger legacy. “The president came in 8 years ago promising hope and change, but he instead leaves us with a checklist of m... Read more

  • Ellmers Votes to Provide Economic Certainty
    Posted in Press Releases on December 18, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy, Healthcare, National Security, Energy, Taxes

    WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) issued the following release after passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which is legislation to fund the government for 1-year. Included in this legislation is the extension of numerous tax provisions that, without Congressional renewal, would have expired. “Today’s funding bill provides some certainty while also lessening tax burdens on North Carolina small businesses, farmers and families. This bill makes several tax provisions perm... Read more

  • Ellmers Votes Against Midnight Budget Gimmick
    Posted in Press Releases on October 28, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy, Taxes

    Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement after the House voted on H.R. 1314, which would increase federal spending by $80 billion over the next two years. “Not only was this 144-page budget made publicly available shortly before midnight on Monday, but we are being asked to vote on passage of the measure a mere 48 hours later. This is just one of many reasons why 2nd District constituents – and myself – remain frustrated with the ways of Washington. This “midnight b... Read more

  • Ellmers Praises Fiscally Responsible, Balanced Budget
    Posted in Press Releases on April 30, 2015 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy, Taxes

    The Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Balances in Less Than 10 Years, Reins in Excessive and Unnecessary Spending, and Saves Taxpayers Trillions Read more

  • Congresswoman Ellmers Launches YouCut Competition YouCut Will Give People the Chance to Vote on Which Programs to Cut Funding for and Save Millions in Wasteful Spending
    Posted in Press Releases on May 11, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    Congresswoman Renee Ellmers released the following statement following her press conference with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Representatives Mick Mulvaney and Austin Scott in Washington today: "Today we're launching a new phase in our effort to cut wasteful spending and give our constituents the power to choose which proposals to enact immediately. I'm thrilled to have been selected as one of the first members to propose important cuts that members of my district will have the opportu... Read more

  • About Those Oil Subsidies
    Posted in Recommended Reading on May 4, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    Everyone wants to end subsidies to oil companies, from President Obama to John Boehner and Paul Ryan. My question was "What subsidies?" Remarkably enough, CNN Money provided the answer. It turns out that they are all tax "breaks." I even hesitate to call them "breaks" because some of them amount to little more than Congress defining accounting terms such as "capital equipment." And the total amount of earnings not collected in taxes (which liberals define as a "subsidy") is about $4 billion per year. Here is how that breaks down. Domestic manufacturing tax deduction -- $1.7 B. This is a tax deduction given to every manufacturer in the US. Per CNN, it was "designed to keep factories in the United States." If that deduction were eliminated for oil companies only, it would mean singling out oil companies from all other manufacturers. Read more

  • High-Earning Households Pay Growing Share of Taxes
    Posted in Recommended Reading on May 3, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    By John D. McKinnon, WSJ, As President Barack Obama pushes to raise income taxes on high earners, opponents are seizing on data that indicates these U.S. households already pay a large and growing share of taxes, even compared with high-tax European countries. And a new congressional study concludes that the percentage of U.S. households owing no federal income tax climbed to 51% for 2009. Read more

  • Rep. Ellmers Statement on Passage of "The Path to Prosperity"
    Posted in Press Releases on April 15, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Jobs & Economy, Taxes

    strongCongresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) issued the following statement regarding passage of The Path to Prosperity for the 2012 federal budget and beyond: “What we do today will determine the future of the country our children and grandchildren will inherit. The Path to Prosperity is an important first step in attacking the irresponsible spending and runaway debt that has plagued Washington for years. “In contrast to the President’s budget proposal that spends too much, taxes too much and borr... Read more

  • Statement from Rep. Ellmers Regarding Passage of H.R. 1217 Repeal of ObamaCare Slush Fund
    Posted in Press Releases on April 13, 2011 | Preview rr
    Tags: Healthcare, Taxes

    Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R- NC2) released the following statement following the passage of H.R. 1217 today in the House of Representatives. This legislation repeals the slush fund created under ObamaCare that allowed the Secretary of Health and Human Services to spend $17 billion dollars without Congressional oversight. "Today's vote is a win for taxpayers who are tired of government bureaucrats who think they can spend our money better than American families. By eliminating this government... Read more