Press Releases

Congresswoman Ellmers Applauds President Obama's Emergency Declaration

Washington, DC, April 20, 2011 | comments

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-2) released the following statement this morning after President Obama signed an emergency disaster declaration last night:
“On behalf of all North Carolinians, I would like to thank President Obama and officials at FEMA for taking swift action in declaring a federal emergency for our state which will provide much-needed assistance to families and individuals recovering from the deadly disaster. The executive order will release federal funds and support through FEMA and allow necessary supplies and resources to get to individuals and families as quickly as possible. As this crisis unfolds, I will work tirelessly along with my colleagues at the federal and state level to make sure any and all aid is making its way to those suffering during this difficult time.”
Details of the declaration can be found by visiting Congresswoman Ellemers’ website at


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