Press Releases

Ellmers Stands to Defund Planned Parenthood

Washington, September 30, 2015 | comments
Ellmers Votes Against a Budget Measure that Continues Funding Planned Parenthood with Taxpayer Dollars

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives voted on a budgetary measure that will continue funding for Planned Parenthood and its affiliates:

“In voting to support the first measure, I am once again demonstrating my efforts to strip funding from Planned Parenthood while ensuring that women and the unborn retain access to life-saving medical services.

“Given the uncertainty of how taxpayer dollars can be manipulated through federal agencies, I cannot in good conscience support this temporary funding measure today. This is a stand that I take for my constituents who have asked, not whether it is worth shutting down the government but, if we should continue to fund an organization that is currently under investigation.”

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