Press Releases

Ellmers Amendment to Support Women's Health Included by Rules Committee in Legislation Defunding Planned Parenthood

Washington, September 17, 2015 | comments
Ellmers Amendment to Redirect $235 Million Dollars to Community Health Centers in Support of
Women’s Health Included by the Rules Committee in Defund Legislation

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement after the Ellmers Amendment was included by Rules Committee in H.R. 3134, legislation to defund Planned Parenthood:

“While we are in the midst of investigating the alarming actions revealed in recent videos, it is imperative that we continue to provide funding for women’s health. I am encouraged to see this amendment included in legislation that will defund Planned Parenthood, so we can ensure that women and the unborn retain access to important and life-saving health care services.”

“The $235 million redirected to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHS) represents a better alternative to Planned Parenthood as they are more accessible, more transparent with funding and provide a comprehensive array of preventative health services for women and children. This amendment is fully offset with previously-appropriated funding, and I look forward to seeing it move through the legislative process.”

Click here to view the amendment. This amendment, offered by Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), provides $235 million for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHS). It also adds a rule of construction noting that “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to reduce overall Federal funding available in support of women’s health.”

Background: The Ellmers Amendment incorporates provisions of Congresswoman Ellmers’ original legislation H.R. 3443, the Women’s Health Accountability Act, which redirected funding currently allocated to Planned Parenthood to public health centers in order to ensure that women still retain access to medical services. Additionally the $235 million dollars, as redirected through the amendment, is offset by H.R. 3134. This redirect in funding represents the amount that community health centers need in order to meet the needs of an influx of patients in the case that Planned Parenthood is defunded.

Community health centers outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics in terms of accessibility and assist women living in urban and medically underserved areas. This redirect in funding would allow for continuity in care for women nationwide. Additionally, community health centers are organizations that do not provide elective abortions, yet provide a full suite of health services to women including mammograms, primary care, pediatric services, dental services, immunizations, etc.

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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is
Chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.
She represents the Second District of North Carolina which includes all of Fort Bragg.
Tags: Life