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Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Representing the 11th District of California

Energy & Environment

Protecting the Environment and Addressing Climate Change

Congressman DeSaulnier is a proud champion of policies that protect the environment and address climate change. Mark is a firm believer that we can improve the environment and preserve our natural resources while maintaining a robust economy. As a former member of the California Air Resources Board and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, he is acutely aware of the impacts of global warming in our community on both human health and the environment. As a California State Legislator he crafted policies to assist with the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act, the first program in the country to take a comprehensive, long-term approach to addressing climate change. During his first year as a Member of Congress, he received 97% score from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) for his work standing up for clean air, water, and climate action. 

As an avid runner, Mark appreciates the natural beauty of the 11th Congressional District and is working to continue the legacy of conservation in our community. Congressman DeSaulnier has introduced the John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act (H.R. 1289), to allow the Martinez, California Park to add 44 acres of donated land to improve park access and preserve this land for generations to come.

Working for You

Congressman DeSaulnier successfully passed bipartisan legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to expand the John Muir National Historic Site and improve access to the park and its scenic trails.

Mark voted against legislation to authorize the construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline, believing that the bill did not contain the necessary environmental protections to ensure the safety of the communities that fell in the proposed route.

With unanimous support, he passed an amendment in the House to study the safety of transporting volatile and dangerous crude oil in our railroad system.

Mark has promoted legislation to prevent against another BP oil spill by strengthening protections for whistleblowers on offshore oil and gas facilities.

In addition, he has worked to safeguard the public from harmful emissions by calling on the Department of Justice to conduct a criminal investigation into allegations that Volkswagen AG purposefully evaded California’s air quality standards

Congressman DeSaulnier has pursued investigations of ExxonMobil’s alleged fraud related to climate change by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


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April 25, 2016 Page