I appreciated the opportunity to attend the reflagging ceremony for the THAAD and to welcome the soldiers of Echo Battery to Guam. I thank the men and women of Bravo Battery, who served the homeland defense mission bravely during their time here, and I appreciated their commitment to being engaged community partners. This changeover is a critical step in establishing the THAAD permanently on Guam, as Echo Battery will be the first permanently stationed THAAD unit on Guam. Since 2013 I have led efforts to permanently base THAAD on Guam, which is critical to defending our island against ballistic missile threats from the reckless North Korean regime. I will continue to work with the federal government to ensure the process moves forward as efficiently as possible.

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo attended a reflagging ceremony for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) to be permanently based on Guam. The reflagging ceremony, which is a changeover of Army units, was held at Andersen Air Force Base and transitioned responsibility of THAAD from Brav...

I appreciate Governor Calvo’s support for my social security bill which would give GovGuam flexibility to extend the social security program to new government employees. The Governor’s support ensures that we have a “One Guam” approach to this bill which includes support from the Legislature earlier this year. The Governor's support of this legislation will be helpful as I continue to work with Congressional leadership to pass this bill which is important to the financial stability of the GovGuam retirement system.

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today issued the following statement regarding the recent letter from Governor Calvo supporting her bill, H.R. 3642 which would provide flexibility to the Government of Guam for the extension of the Social Security program to government employees.

I am pleased that Guam, through Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans and the University of Guam has received this funding from NOAA for coral reef conservation. Coral reefs are essential to our island and our way of life.These funds will help keep UOG at the forefront of coral reef research in the region and improve our resilience against climate change. I advocated for strong funding for NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program during this year’s appropriations process. I commend our local stakeholders for securing these funds and look forward to the research and work that will be done for our community.

Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today announced that Guam is a recipient of about $500,000 for coral reef conservation. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has announced over $9.3 million in recommended funding for projects focused on researching climate change, pollution and...

I was honored to attend today's silent witness ceremony in honor of Family Violence Awareness Month. The stories of family violence on Guam are heartbreaking and unfortunately family violence affects far too many families in our community. If you or someone you know is a victim of family violence, I encourage you to please speak up. You will find help and our community stands with you.

This morning I joined our community at the 12th Annual Lifeworks Guam Candlelight Memorial Service to remember those who lost their lives to suicide. I was able to share my experience after tragically losing my husband, Ricky, 26 years ago. Suicide statistics on Guam and throughout the nation are overwhelming, but it is preventable. I encourage everyone to look out for warning indicators in our family members and friends and then take action by listening to their concerns and then speaking up if you're worried. Together, let's do our part to prevent suicide.

Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.

I was proud to join the Guam Society of America, Inc. in welcoming members of the Guam National Guard to the National Guard Association of the United States - NGAUS's 138th General Conference & Exhibition in Baltimore, MD.

The continued H-2B visa denials have adversely affected Guam’s construction, health care and tourism industries, and we must work to ensure that we have an adequate workforce on island. I continue to work to advance a provision that I included in the House-passed NDAA and with USCIS to address this issue. However, this spate of H-visa denials has made it clear that there must be a better long-term solution so that all our industries have the workforce they need to keep our ec...onomy moving forward.

What we need are regional solutions that address Guam and the CNMI’s unique labor needs, and I will work with our local stakeholders to develop a long-term policy proposal to meet our specific workforce challenges. This proposal would also include support programs that cultivate local laborers and promote local workforce development. I intend to meet with the broad range of stakeholders affected by the H-visa situation and ensure that we have a viable plan moving forward.

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Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo raised Guam’s continued H-2B visa challenges during a hearing of the House Committee on Natural Resources’ Subcommittee on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs. Congresswoman Bordallo noted that the denials of H-2B visas have had adverse i...

Many FAS citizens who live on Guam contribute positively to our community and reflect the values and ideals that make our island strong. The Compacts are agreements between the U.S. and FAS nations and therefore the Federal government must be more responsive to Governor Calvo and the need of our local stakeholders on this important issue. When migrants break the law and are convicted of crimes, they violate the intent of the Compacts and should no longer be allowed to stay i...n our country. I understand the burdens these individuals place on our local government as well as Governor Calvo’s intention to remove them from Guam.

I believe that greater federal attention must be given to remove FAS citizens convicted of crimes back to their nation of origin, just as the Department of Homeland Security prioritizes removing other foreign criminals in the mainland back to their home countries. I am confident that Assistant Secretary Kia’aina will work with the State Department, DHS, and the Embassies of the FAS governments to set-up a meeting to have meaningful discussions that could lay the groundwork to develop intergovernmental agreements to address this problem. I look forward to working with her to resolve this issue and provide solutions that will make the Compacts more sustainable in the long-term.

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Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today wrote to Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Areas Esther Kia’aina to request assistance regarding the removal of FAS migrants who have been convicted of crimes on Guam. She urged Assistant Secretary Kia’aina to set-up a meetin...

North Korea’s latest nuclear test is yet another reckless and irresponsible act that further threatens regional stability and violates U.N. Security Council resolutions. The United States remains committed to ensuring that our region and allies remains secure, and we will continue to work with the international community, especially with China and Russia, to hold North Korea accountable for its actions. This reckless act also further demonstrates the need to provide a THAAD missile defense capability to our allies in South Korea to augment their regional defenses. I remain confident that our defense capabilities will continue to keep Guam and our country safe.

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today issued the following statement regarding reports that North Korea has tested a nuclear device:

I am proud to join leaders in Washington, D.C. in congratulating the recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. I especially commend our two Guam teachers, Fina Leon Guerrero and Richard Carlos Velasco, who were selected for the award. They are role models in our community and reflect the outstanding work that the many teachers on Guam make to improve education for our students.

I am deeply concerned by the continued denials of H-2B visas on Guam and the adverse impact they are having on our community. While I have appreciated the dialogue I have had with USCIS to address this issue, more needs to be done administratively to ensure we continue to have a viable workforce that is able to meet current labor demands. I am especially concerned by recent news that Core Tech will be sending nearly 400 workers back to their country because of denials of thei...r visa renewals as well as by Guam Department of Labor’s estimate that less than 100 H-visa workers will be on Guam at the end of the year.

I continue to work to resolve this matter both administratively and through legislation, and I have urged USCIS Director Rodriguez to defer action or to provide continued employment authorization on H-2B visas on Guam in order to provide temporary relief until language I included in the House-passed NDAA is enacted into law. I believe this is an appropriate step that will provide some immediate relief to local businesses and ensure we have an adequate workforce present on Guam.

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Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today wrote to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Director Leon Rodriguez to urge him to provide immediate regulatory relief to address the continued H-2B challenges on Guam.

I am pleased DoD has released funding to GWA for civilian water and wastewater improvement projects that were approved by a provision I sponsored in last year’s defense authorization bill. The funding demonstrates the continued progress we are making to move forward with the buildup in a way that benefits our civilian community. I am working to authorize the remaining funds for civilian infrastructure improvements in this year’s defense authorization bill, which I included in the House bill. I will continue to work with my fellow conferees to ensure that the NDAA provides the DoD with the authority to help address civilian infrastructure needs.

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today announced that the Department of Defense has awarded the Guam Waterworks Authority $55.30 million for civilian water and wastewater improvement projects related to the realignment of Marines from Okinawa to Guam.

Si Yu'us Ma'åse' to the University of Guam ROTC Program for inviting me to join them in their monthly mentorship activity. Today's event was a cleanup at Gun Beach in Tumon. BIBA UOG!

Visiting with friends and staff at Guma Trankilidat.

Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.

Visiting with friends and staff at the Yona Senior Citizens Center.

Image may contain: 22 people , people smiling

Visiting with friends and staff at the Merizo Senior Citizens Center.

Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.

Visiting with friends and staff at the Inarajan Senior Citizens Center.

Frank Blas, Sr. was a dear friend and I’m deeply saddened by his passing. He was a faithful public servant who dedicated is life to making Guam a better place. As a former Lieutenant Governor and Senator in our Legislature, Frank worked tirelessly to improve the lives of all who call Guam home. I worked with him during my time in the Legislature, and later during our respective terms as Lieutenant Governor of Guam. He always demonstrated thoughtful consideration of legislatio...n and the policy proposals we considered and did what was best for our island. In my role as Guam’s Delegate to Congress, I appreciated the firm advocacy and support that he, and his son Senator Frank Blas Jr., had for recognizing Guam’s World War II survivors.

I join the people of Guam in mourning Frank’s passing and honoring his untiring service to our island. I extend my condolences to his wife Tina and the entire Blas family. My thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.

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Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today issued the following statement on the passing of former Lieutenant Governor Frank F. Blas, Sr.
U.S. Congresswoman proudly representing the people of Guam.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Madeleine Z. Bordallo's photo.
Visitor Posts
  • The White Man Spread Hate/Segregation/Prejiduce. Possessed Black Sla...ves. Committed The Act Of Genocide On The American Indians. Forced The Buying Of Land In The West From The Mexicans. Used Chinese People At Slave Labor Wages To Build The Railroads And River Levees. Good Job. The Delta Thanks You. But, What Have They Done With Their Blessings. What Are They Doing Violating The Constitution. Why Are They Making It Difficult For Companies To Do Business Here. Blacks Mexicans Asians Poor Whites. We Are Not Any Longer A Priority Of Congress To PROVIDE Jobs. Government Regulations Are Driving Business To Other Countries. The Rich Whiteman Does Not Care For The Poor And Are Progressing To A Global Business Market With The Power Of Our Congress Supporting Special Interests. We Are Becoming A Suppressed Peoples Like Any Black Or Latino Nation. Two Types Of People. Rich Or Poor. It's Time For We The People To Execute The Legal Binding Written Rules And Regulations That Say We Rule This Country. Congress Works For We The People. Remember. The Sad Part Is That Congress No Longer Works. No Jobs. Astronomical Unemployment. 100 Million People On Government Assistance. Foreign Governments Receiving American Tax Money By The Billions. $20 Trillion Dollar Deficit. Union Enrollments At A Record Low. SODOMIST Adopting Children. Tax Money Paying For Sex Changes And Abortions. Transgenders With Trespassing Rights Even In Public Schools. Congress Has Failed. Evil Is Trying To Divide Us. Stand Firm Knowing The Truth Of Our Word(JESUS ). WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL. DO NOT SUPPORT WRONG!!! BELIEVING IT IS A FREEDOM!!! We have allowed our selfs to believe we are political parties. Democrats??? Republicans??? DO NOT LET ANYTHING STAND BETWEEN US: " WE THE PEOPLE " " ALL LIVES MATTER " TELL CONGRESS WE DO NOT CARE TO STAND WITH THE WORLD. " WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES STAND WITH THE POWER OF GOD ALMIGHTY " " IN GOD WE TRUST " THE UNITED STATES Of AMERICA VOTE FOR MR. TRUMP See More
  • Martha L Lopez
    October 15 at 8:49pm
    Dear Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo, I respectfully urge you t...o please support House Resolution 752, introduced by Congressman Alcee L. Hastings, to oppose the Yulin dog-eating “Festival" (June 21), the dog and cat meat trade in Asia and, mostly, the horrific cruelty involved. Please keep in mind, this Resolution is NOT about differing cultural practices (i.e., eating dogs vs eating cows), but instead about the deliberate torturing of dogs and cats for completely unfounded beliefs such that the surge of adrenaline produced in the animal while being tortured, makes the meat tastier and has medicinal benefits. These animals, many of which are stolen pets, are crammed into the smallest cages for transport, not fed or hydrated and then intentionally tortured. These animals are dismembered, boiled, electrocuted, crucified and skinned all while still conscious before they are basically allowed to die. All of this purposeful torture occurs because of the belief that the more pain these animals endure, the tastier the meat and the more virility it provides to those who consume them. Please, I beg of you to end the heinous torturing practices by co-sponsoring H. Res 752. For more information on the dog meat trade in Asia in general, please take a look at the website and Facebook page of Marc Ching, who is currently risking his life to fight against the Yulin Festival and the dog meat trade in person. His Facebook page is: www.facebook.com/animalhopeandwellness/ and his foundation’s website is www.animalhopeandwellness.org/ Thank you for taking the time to read this email and the information provided. I hope to learn that you have decided to cosponsor H. Res 752. Thank you. See More
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