Press Releases


Rep. Mark Takano: GOP Poverty Plan is Textbook Definition of Recycling Failed Policies

Washington DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) released the following statement in response to House Republicans' anti-poverty platform released this morning. "Despite a new name and fresh branding, the poverty plan released today by Speaker Paul Ryan is nothing more than a collection of rejected and repackaged ideas that will do nothing to help the 45 million Americans living in poverty. In fact, many of our poorest residents - most notably low-income veterans- will face severe hardship if these … Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Applauds President Obama’s Call for Peace, Nuclear Disarmament in Speech at Hiroshima

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after President Obama's speech in Hiroshima, Japan. "This morning, President Obama delivered a powerful message to the world about the lessons of Hiroshima and articulated a vision for a peaceful future free from the suffering and destruction caused by nuclear weapons. His visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial was historic and profoundly meaningful in reminding us of the complexities of war and the urgent need to resta… Continue Reading


House Passes Veterans Transition Assistance Bill Sponsored By Rep. Mark Takano

Washington DC - Today, the House passed the Improving Transition Programs for All Veterans Act, HR 5229, which requires the VA to examine if the existing Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is meeting the unique needs of specific veterans' groups. The bill is cosponsored by Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) and Rep. Amata Radewagen (R-AS) and will help ensure women veterans, Native American veterans, veterans from the U.S. territories, and veterans with disabilities receive the support they need to transi… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Statement on National Defense Authorization Act

Washington DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after he voted to oppose the National Defense Authorization Act. "As a strong supporter of our military and veterans community, I looked forward to voting for a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that reflected our country's priorities and principles. Unfortunately, the bill offered on the House floor this evening fell well short of that standard. I cannot support a bill that includes anti-LGBT provisions and I cann… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Applauds New Overtime Protections for Middle Class Workers

Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after the Department of Labor published a new rule restoring overtime eligibility for salaried workers. "The Administration took a bold step today toward increasing middle class wages, addressing income inequality, and rebalancing the economy to ensure every family has a fair shot at financial security. After four decades without a meaningful update, federal overtime protections were severely outdated, forcing many salaried employees to … Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Applauds President Obama’s Decision to Visit Hiroshima

Washington DC -Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after the White House announced President Obama will visit Hiroshima, Japan, later this month. "I strongly support President Obama's decision to become the first sitting American president to visit Hiroshima, Japan. The bombing of Hiroshima is perhaps the world's most poignant reminder of the complexities of war and the unequaled destruction caused by nuclear weapons. Given the mounting challenges to global peace and secur… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Slams Passage of DC Voucher Reauthorization Bill

Washington DC -Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement today after the House passed the SOAR Act, H.R. 4901, a bill that reauthorizes the DC voucher program. "I am extremely disappointed that the House has once again voted to reauthorize the DC Voucher program. Public schools represent the duty we have to provide every student, in every community with an education that helps them realize their full potential. Voucher programs prevent us from fulfilling that duty. "Taxpayer money… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Introduces Legislation to Advance Grid Storage

Washington DC - Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) introduced the Advancing Grid Storage Act of 2016, which will create an energy storage research program, loan program, and technical assistance program at the Department of Energy. "As Co-Chair of the Battery Energy Storage Caucus, I believe energy storage is critical to creating a modernized grid and making renewables a more reliable energy source," said Rep. Takano. "This bill provides the needed research investments and programs to build on the … Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano to President Obama: Lead the World to Hiroshima

Washington DC -Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) sent an open letter to President Obama today encouraging him to become the first sitting American president to visit Hiroshima, Japan. It comes a week after Secretary of State John Kerry urged all world leaders to visit the site to remind themselves of the complexities and consequences of war. Rep. Takano visited Hiroshima for the first time in 2002, accompanied by a relative who survived the atomic bomb. After that experience, he writes, "the atomic bomb … Continue Reading


Reps. Takano, Hanna Introduce Bipartisan Bill Addressing National Teacher Shortage

Washington DC - Today, Reps. Mark Takano (D-CA) and Richard Hanna (R-NY) introduced bipartisan legislation to improve teacher recruitment and retention by making loan forgiveness options more accessible to educators. The bill is a response to a national teacher shortage that is making it difficult for school districts to fill open positions. Enrollment in teacher preparation programs dropped by 30 percent between 2010 and 2014. There are two primary federal loan forgiveness programs available … Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Applauds $15 Minimum Wage Laws in California and New York

Washington DC - Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after California Governor Jerry Brown and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed laws that will phase in a $15 minimum wage. "I emphatically support the bold action taken today in California and New York to adopt a phased-in $15 minimum wage. An overwhelming majority of Americans support increasing the minimum wage because they believe - as I do - that no one working full time in America should live in poverty. Thes… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano, Former Teacher, Praises FCC for Modernizing the Lifeline Program to Include Broadband

Washington DC - Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after the Federal Communications Commission voted to modernize the Lifeline program to include high-speed Internet. "I strongly support the FCC's decision to provide low-income families greater access to high-speed Internet by modernizing the Lifeline program. As a teacher, I witnessed the injustice of the digital divide and the effect it has on student performance. Broadband access is no longer a luxury; it is a fun… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano: A Responsible Senate Would Confirm Garland

Washington DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. "Merrick Garland is an eminently qualified individual who has earned bipartisan praise and the respect of the legal community throughout his distinguished career. As chief judge of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, where he has served for 19 years, he has demonstrated the integrity, empathy, and reasoned approach to the law that is required of a Supreme… Continue Reading


Reps. Takano and Wilson Applaud Progress on Overtime Proposal, Lead Education and the Workforce Committee Members in Urging a Final Rule

Washington DC - Today, Reps. Mark Takano (D-CA) and Federica Wilson (D-FL) were joined by 13 Democrats in sending a letter to Director Shaun Donovan urging the Office of Management and Budget to finalize the Labor Department's proposed update to overtime pay rules. The letter applauds Secretary Perez's proposal and calls for the rule to be adopted promptly to help support the fight against income inequality. In its proposed form, the rule would update the Fair Labor Standards Act to make those … Continue Reading


81 House Democrats Offer Support, Guidance to FCC on its Plan to Expand Broadband Access through Lifeline Program

Washington DC - Today, Reps. Mark Takano (D-CA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), and Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) were joined by 78 Democrats in expressing support and providing recommendations for the Federal Communications Commission's proposal to increase access to high-speed Internet for low-income families through its Lifeline program. In a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the group praised the agency's proposal to modernize the program by adding broadband to the list of services eligible for L… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano “Deeply Disappointed” in Supreme Court Decision to Block Clean Power Plan

Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's decision to block the Obama Administration's Clean Power Plan pending the completion of a legal review. "I am deeply disappointed in the Supreme Court's decision to block the Obama Administration's Clean Power Plan, which is a major piece of the president's strategy to address the growing threat that climate change poses to our economy and security. "This 5-4 decision continues a discouraging tradition … Continue Reading


House Passes Veterans Education Bill Authored by Rep. Mark Takano

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill authored by Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) to ensure all veterans attending career education programs receive an education that prepares them for a successful career and a positive transition into civilian life. The Career-Ready Student Veterans Act (HR 2360) requires career education programs receiving GI Bill benefits to have programmatic accreditation if required by the state for employment in that specific field. Programs also must prepare stud… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Applauds President Obama’s Final State of the Union

Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after President Obama's State of the Union address. "Tonight, the president reminded Americans of the progress this country has made over the past seven years and delivered a vision for a future grounded in hope and ambition, instead of fear and isolation. "He reminded us that the source of America's strength is the freedom, opportunity, and dignity we reserve for every American. And most of all, he reminded us that we cannot allow our… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Introduces Legislation to Address Injustice in For-Profit Probation Industry

Washington DC - Today, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) introduced a bill aimed at stopping for-profit probation companies from violating the constitutional rights of low-income Americans found guilty of traffic violations or minor crimes. In more than a dozen states across the country, people who cannot immediately pay a fine are pushed into a for-profit probation system that can charge unlimited fees and lead to financial ruin or even jail time. Under the current system, which is common in many southe… Continue Reading


Rep. Mark Takano Expresses Support for President Obama’s Executive Actions on Gun Control

Washington DC - Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) released the following statement after President Obama announced new executive actions to address the epidemic of gun violence in America. "I strongly support the executive actions on gun control announced today by President Obama. Every day in America we are reminded that no one is safe from gun violence. We cannot afford to do nothing as our children, friends, co-workers, and law enforcement officers are added to the long list of victims. "The exec… Continue Reading

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