News Release

Press Release of Senator Crapo

INL Receives $10 Million to Develop Secure Communications

Crapo touts Idaho's role in national security through defense funding

Contact: Susan Wheeler
Friday, October 7, 2005

Washington, DC – Idaho’s important role in securing our nation was recognized today by the approval of defense projects requested by Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, including $10 million for the Idaho National Laboratory Critical Infrastructure Test Range project. The Senate approved the Fiscal Year 2006 Defense Appropriations bill today. Crapo said, “I’m pleased that the Senate has supported the important resources for defense research and development in Idaho. These projects will not only benefit Idaho, but the entire country. This measure also provides much-needed resources to our brave men and women in uniform serving our country and protecting our national security. Between the Idaho National Laboratory, our top notch universities, and our private entrepreneurs and businesses, Idaho continues to be a national leader in defense research and technology.” Several defense projects were approved for the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) including: • $10 million for the INL Critical Infrastructure Test Range project supporting the development of more robust and secure communications to establish a national exercise and testing asset. • $7 million for Unmanned Systems research. • $3 million for the Naval Surface Warfare Center to continue research into frequency selective surfaces for absorbing infrared radiation. • $3 million for research to develop technologies used in detecting hidden explosives, such as those used by suicide bombers. The University of Idaho continued in its role as a top research institution, receiving funding for: • $1.4 million for research to develop new supercritical fluid-based technologies for making smaller and more efficient computer chips. • $1.5 million for the research and production of lead acid batteries for military vehicles. • $1 million for developing low-power memory cells resistant to radiation for space use. • $1 million for biological development for the removal of microbial contaminants in soil and water. • $2.5 million to develop ferrite material for portable usage in RADAR and other systems.

Other Idaho higher education institutions received research funding including: • Boise State University: o $3 million for continued research on three-dimensional micro-structures used in microelectronic systems. o $1 million to develop a DNA-based label for blood sample collections to mitigate mix-ups or contamination to blood samples. o $1.75 million for the researching the use of the polygraph test for credulity assessment in national security screening settings, which could also have important application in criminal justice at national, state and local levels • Idaho State University: o $1 million to ISU for research on Smart Prosthetic Devices Technology to design a system to develop prosthetic devices that mimic natural hand motions based on electric impulses amplified by adjacent muscles. Elsewhere in Idaho, several other projects received funding, including: • $2 million to St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center for the implementation of a Rural EMRT/Teleradiology System allowing patients in rural areas to have access to vital teleradiology services. • $4 million to American Semiconductor to develop a material called RadHard, to be used for electronic devices to withstand radiation and harsh space environments and $10 million to develop circuits used in fighter jets that rely on infrared sensors for navigation and reconnaissance. • $4 million to AMI Semiconductor to develop circuits used in fighter jets that rely on infrared sensors for information and reconnaissance. • $2.5 million to Idaho Accelerator Center National Security project at ISU to further develop accelerators used to identify nuclear materials, neutralize biological/chemical agents and decontaminate areas where such materials have been released. • $2.6 million to Healthwise, Inc. to develop the Information Therapy Program, providing patients with medical information to make informed decisions regarding the necessary medical aid.

Last updated 02/09/2016