News Release

Press Release of Senator Crapo

Crapo To Address Energy, Salmon, Water Issues

Emmett water dedication, Lake Lowell boating also on agenda

Contact: Susan Wheeler
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Boise – Idaho Senator Mike Crapo will discuss energy-related issues, such as renewable energy, water and endangered salmon plans, during a speech to the NW Energy Coalition on Friday. Crapo, a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and Ranking Member on the Water and Wildlife Subcommittee, has been a part of hearings involving issues such as species recovery and climate change. He convened a salmon and water summit in 2003, bringing Northwest participants to the Idaho Statehouse for several days of talks.

The NW Energy Coalition is an alliance of more than 100 environmental, civic, and human service organizations, progressive utilities, and businesses in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and British Columbia. The group’s mission statement includes advocating for clean and affordable energy as well as the protection of fish and wildlife in the Columbia River Basin.

Crapo will also attend the grand opening of a new wastewater treatment facility in Emmett, which he and the Idaho Delegation worked with the local community to fund. Crapo has sponsored bipartisan legislation creating an expanded water and wastewater fund at the federal level to assist rural communities with water issues.

The potential for restricting motor boats on the Lake Lowell as part of new plans for Deer Flat Reservoir is the subject of a meeting Crapo will hold on the lake Saturday at noon. Representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, interested boaters, and county leaders will attend the meeting to discuss potential changes.

Crapo will tour the new Meridian health-sciences campus of Idaho State University while in the area. An expansion of the University’s College of Pharmacy will be part of the tour at the campus next to the Meridian School District Offices.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Boise Metro Chamber will also present Crapo with the Spirit of Enterprise Award Friday morning. The award marks Crapo’s involvement in pro-business issues supported by the chambers.

Friday, May 29

7:30 a.m. Boise Accepts the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce, Chamber offices, 250 South 5th Street.

11:10 a.m. Meridian Tours the new Idaho State University Meridian Campus, 1311 E. Central Drive.

1:00 p.m. Emmett Speaks at the grand opening of the new Emmett wastewater treatment facility, 1478 Cascade Road.

3:00 p.m. Boise Delivers remarks on energy, water and salmon during the NW Energy Coalition’s Spring Conference, Red Lion Downtowner, 1800 Fairview.

Saturday, May 30

Noon Nampa Holds public meeting regarding potential motor boat restrictions on Lake Lowell and the Deer Flat National Reservoir, At the Lower Dam, Lake Lowell-Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge.

Last updated 02/09/2016