You deserve accountability from your elected officials. So, as we close out 2015, I want to update you on what we have been able to accomplish on your behalf this year.

Unfortunately, so much of the dysfunction in Washington is because Congress doesn’t do a good enough job of listening and responding to the American people.

That’s why this year I dedicated myself to listening to you and taking action on your concerns.

I held dozens of listening sessions, made over 550 stops around our district, answered more than 25,000 questions from constituents and sent hundreds of thousands of updates on our work.

What I heard over and over again is that there is so much more that we can agree on than we disagree on.

I won’t sit on my hands waiting for Washington to get to work, which is why I’m taking action in the Tenth District to impact lives for the better. Take a look at what brought us together in this year in review video.