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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama

Defense and National Security

National Defense is the number one responsibility of the Federal government, and the technological advantage our troops have in the field today is due to investments in R&D from years past. Congressman Brooks believes we must continue to commit the resources necessary to maintain our advantage in the field over any potential enemy of the future. 

Congressman Brooks founded and co-chairs the Army Aviation Caucus, which has the mission of assuring Army Aviation has the support needed to successfully perform current and future missions. The bi-partisan Caucus is made up of more than 40 members and meets an average of once a month. In addition to educational sessions, the Caucus has sent letters to the Administration asking for clarification on several issues and is a great avenue for community and military involvement.

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Brooks helps maintain robust funding for defense generally and missile defense programs, in particular. Brooks also advocates for the Tennessee Valley’s expertise in advanced hypersonic, directed energy technology, and cyber security.

For more information concerning Defense and National Security, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.


News Releases

September 28, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted to override President Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA).  The House passed this measure by a vote of 348-77.  Similarly, the Senate voted today 97-1 to override the President’s veto.  This bipartisan legislation protects the right of families of victims of terror attacks to recover compensation for injuries and loss of loved ones from foreign states that aid and abet terrorist acts on American soil.  JASTA gives victims of terrorism a voice and a pathway to justice.  

September 23, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – Last night, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted in support of House passage of H.R. 5931, the Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act.  Last week, the legislation passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee, of which Congressman Brooks is a member.  H.R. 5931 was introduced in direct response to the Obama Administration’s reckless initial cash ransom payment of $400 million and subsequent payments, totaling $1.7 billion, to the Iranian regime, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.  

September 14, 2016 News Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — During today’s House Foreign Affairs Committee markup, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted for H.R. 5931, the Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act, to ensure there are no future cash payouts to Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

September 13, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – Congress will soon consider a continuing resolution (CR) spending bill that increases federal government spending by yet another $150 billion, and helps blow FY 2017 federal government spending through the $4 trillion mark, a record high.  Standing before the U.S. House this morning, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) again warned colleagues of a looming and debilitating American insolvency and bankruptcy, and explained why he will vote against another temporary government funding measure that ignores economic reality.

May 19, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – Last night, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) voted for H.R. 4909, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2017.  The NDAA authorizes programs for America’s national defense and passed the House on 277-147 vote.  Brooks highlighted the significant achievements for America’s national security, and Alabama, that House Armed Services Committee members worked to incorporate into this legislation.  The NDAA authorizes $573.4 billion for the Department of Defense base budget, and $23.1 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations.

In the News

September 27, 2016 In the News
WASHINGTON — The U.S. intends to deploy a missile defense system in South Korea "as soon as possible" to counter the threat from North Korea despite opposition from China, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia said Tuesday.
September 16, 2016 In the News
Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks voted Wednesday for a bill that will prohibit future ransom payments by the U.S. Government to Iran. The vote, which took place among members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, comes less than a month after the Department of State revealed that it sanctioned a $400 million payment to Iran in January that was designed to leverage the release of U.S. captives in the Middle Eastern county.
September 16, 2016 In the News
Long days and late nights beckon for the group of four Alabama Representatives and one Senator as negotiations over the 2017 defense budget stalled Thursday because of disagreements over money. The Senate Armed Services Committee's top Democrat, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, said that the bill will not likely be resolved before the end of the month, meaning stop-gap funding will have to be pushed through to fund the government after the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30.
August 24, 2016 In the News
The U.S. Army is awarding a Huntsville company a contract to design next-generation turbine engines which could provide $1 billion in annual savings for its Black Hawk and Apache helicopter fleets.
August 23, 2016 In the News
A new contract from the United States Army Contracting Command at Redstone Arsenal means more work for GE Aviation in Alabama. The company said it has won a $102 million, 24-month contract that will lead to a preliminary design review of its GE3000 engine, which will power future military helicopters through the Improved Turbine Engine Program (ITEP).