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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act

Hunting and fishing are a way of life for many in Missouri. For generations, families have come together to fish Missouri's streams and lakes. For my family, the beginning of hunting season is celebrated like a holiday. I grew up fishing on the Current River and Norfork and Clearwater Lakes. To protect the rights of sportsmen, this week the House of Representatives passed The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act. The bill protects the ability of sportsmen to hunt and fish on many public lands.

In our district, The Sportsmen's Heritage Act will have a major economic impact. Our Eighth Congressional District is home to some of the best and most diverse hunting and fishing opportunities in the Show-Me State. Many small businesses in communities across our district cater to hunters and fishermen who visit our region. To protect our rural economies, I worked to include an amendment in The Sportsmen's Heritage Act that will ensure the National Park Service cannot restrict motor vessels in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. My common sense amendment will ensure the federal government will not be a roadblock for families who responsibly hunt and fish.

The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act will keep public lands open for hunting and fishing. Specifically, the legislation includes measures to:


  • Require hunting, recreational shooting and fishing to be recognized activities on all Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management properties;
  • Protect recreational shooting in National Parks under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management;
  • Clarify that the Environmental Protection Agency does not have the right to regulate lead components found in either traditional ammunition or fishing tackle;
  • Protect law-abiding individuals' Constitutional right to bear arms on lands owned by the Army Corps of Engineers;
  • Ensure motor vessels cannot be further restricted in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.


Congress would be wise to recognize the contributions that sportsmen make to protect our nation's resources. Hunting and fishing are a central part of Missouri's rural heritage and my experience has always been that people who live off the land are the best stewards of our natural resources.

The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act upholds generations of tradition. The bill also ensures that our rural economy will be protected from new regulations on hunters and fishermen. Families can continue to fish and hunt together and Missouri’s abundant resources and natural beauty will continue to draw people to our state and fuel our rural economy.


I attended the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday morning with thousands of people from across the nation. I hope you will join me in praying for our country's future.

A big thanks to Bruce Williams for showing me some of the new equipment and technology available at US TOOL Group in Farmington. US TOOL Group is a multi-facetedsupplier of innovative tooling solutions including: Integrated Supply Chain Management, Production Cutting Tool Reconditioning, Industrial Vending, Value Added Solutions, Information Technology and Product Engineering.

I had a great visit to Mineral Area College in Park Hills on Friday! Thank you to Dr. Kutz and Mineral Area board members for showing me around campus.

In honor of President Reagan's birthday, here is one of my favorite quotes from the Gipper: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."