Tag Archives: FTC

Financial Regulatory Structure (podcast)

Over the past 150 years, the U.S. financial regulatory structure has evolved in response to various financial crises and to keep pace with financial markets themselves as they advanced from tickertape to e-trading and beyond. As you can see, the … Continue reading

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Questionable Business Practices and Pension Advances

Pensions, in addition to Social Security, are what allow millions of middle-class retirees to maintain a reasonable standard of living. Any loss of pension benefits (partial or otherwise) can significantly affect a retiree’s ability to pay monthly living expenses, medical … Continue reading

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Know the Types of Tax Identity Fraud

Tax filing season will begin soon and the Federal Trade Commission has named January 13-17th Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week to raise awareness and provide people with tips on how to protect themselves. We have done work on tax-related identity … Continue reading

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