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Benghazi Committee
Official Twitter page of Republicans on the U.S. House Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, Libya.
Benghazi Committee Jul 15
The New York Times is inexplicably clinging to these myths about Benghazi:
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
CNN Politics Jul 1
Fact check: Hillary Clinton's public and private Benghazi remarks via
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
Larry Bucshon, MD Jul 12
ICYMI: My letter in the on why the House Benghazi report details are so troubling: .
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
House Judiciary ⚖ Jul 11
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Benghazi Committee Jul 11
“reveals a dismaying ... indecisiveness that idled troops at a time that called for swift action.”
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Benghazi Committee Jul 8
Committee releases final , urges Obama Administration to declassify as much information as possible:
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Benghazi Committee Jul 8
Tyrone Woods' widow: "I am thankful for Cong. Gowdy & his committee for…answer[ing] questions that weren’t answered”
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Benghazi Committee Jul 8
Widow of Tyrone Woods thanks committee for “doing their job,” says has “given me closure.”
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
POLITICO Press Jul 1
.: I'd disagree with Dem talking pt that there's nothing new coming out of this Benghazi report.
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
The Detroit News Jul 2
Editorial: Benghazi mishandled from every angle via
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
Lynn Westmoreland Jun 28
My work on has always been about getting answers for the families who lost loved ones in Benghazi
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Benghazi Committee Jul 5
Comparison of reports show Democrats focused on politics, Republicans focused on victims.
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
House Republicans Jul 5
.: provided ‘substantial’ new information via
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Benghazi Committee Jul 5
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Benghazi Committee Jul 5
Widow of hero thanks Select Committee for “doing their job,” says has “given me closure”
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
Benghazi Committee 26 Oct 15
Secretary Clinton could not explain why she failed to turn over 15 Libya-related emails.
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
Rep. Robert Hurt Jun 28
Thank you to and Cmte for your hard work in search of answers. Read full report here:
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
House Republicans Jun 28
Today released . Read it for yourself at
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
Susan W. Brooks Jun 28
Our work has confirmed & uncovered deficiencies at every government agency involved.
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Benghazi Committee retweeted
Rachael Bade Jun 28
., quietly issued several subpoenas, subpoena threats & contempt threats 4 Kerry, Brennen
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