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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Congressman Stops at Leerjak Ranch in Patterson

Sep 2, 2015
In The News

A Stop in Wayne County

A Stop in Wayne County

Congressman Jason Smith, at right, visited Wayne County last Saturday as part of his 3rd Annual Farm Tour. Smith was joined by State Rep. Paul Fitzwater, at left, on a visit to Leerjak Ranch in Patterson. Pictured with Smith and Fitzwater in front of the Leerjak General Store are (l-r) Sierra, Erica, Ronnie, and Annalea Ross.

Congressman Jason Smith visited Wayne County during his 3rd Annual Farm Tour. He visited Leerjak Ranch in Wayne County on Saturday, Aug. 29. Smith’s Farm Tour is traveling to each of the 30 counties in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District to see and highlight the robust role that agriculture and farming play in our area.

“From one cattleman to another, I had a great time visiting with Ron Ross at his beautiful ranch,” said Congressman Jason Smith. “We discussed the growing issue of ferrel hogs in southern Missouri. Hogs have been tearing up Mr. Ross’ farmland along the river bottoms and cases like his are becoming more and more common. If something is not done about these hogs, our farmers are going to be in trouble down here because farmland is being destroyed.”
